
A FUSE interface to CouchDB.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


A FUSE interface to CouchDB. See the blog post for more details.



Make sure the requirements above are installed, then run python setup.py install. You can also install the latest stable version from PyPI by running easy_install CouchDB-FUSE.


$ mkdir mnt
$ couchmount http://localhost:5984/jasondavies/_design%2Flinks mnt/
$ ls mnt/
$ touch mnt/foo
$ ls mnt/

Use cases

  • If you've read My Couch or Yours? Shareable Apps Are The Future by jchris, this is a great time-saver if you want to edit HTML, JavaScript, CSS or even image files directly using your favourite editor.
  • Uploading large numbers of files repetitively through Futon or even via a Python prompt becomes tedious very quickly: drag'n'drop or cp * is the way forward!

Happy Couching!