A synthesizable ARM Thumb instruction set implementation for FPGAs

Primary LanguageVHDL

Pipelined CPU w/ ARM Thumb Instruction Set

A 4-stage pipeline, Harvard architecture, Thumb CPU implemented on an Altera DE1 FPGA.

Block Diagram


  • Program Counter (PC) is updated with current branch value.
  • Instruction Memory (ROM) reads PC value and outputs new opcode.


  • Interprets ROM Opcode.
  • Determines which registers must be read from.
  • Stalls pipeline if necessary.


  • Performs operation based on opcode.
  • Flags may be set.
  • Data Memory (RAM) may be written to.
  • If no Stall, will return to Fetch stage.


  • RAM performs write into Register File.
  • Returns to Fetch stage.


A Stall will occur if a Load (LDR) opcode is read. This is necessary to guarantee the registers are loaded with the correct memory before the next instruction performed.



  • Harvard Architecture.

  • Implements ARM Thumb (16-bit) instruction set.

  • 1024, 16-bit, ROM locations.

  • 512, 32-bit, RAM locations.

  • The pipeline currently meets all timing constraints under a 50 MHz clock. More work will be done to increase this number.

Going Forward

  • Finish instruction set implementation.
  • Mitigate Stalls by recording necessary data from Load instruction, and feed to requesting instruction.