
React Metronome

A ReactJS Metronome component inspired by Google's implementation

Uses the Web Audio API and Web Worker API to create a metronome that doesn't drift and doesn't suffer from the non-guaranteed nature of Javascript's setInterval function.



npm install @kevinorriss/react-metronome


Import the component

import Metronome from '@kevinorriss/react-metronome'

<!-- JSX -->
<div className="your-container">
    <Metronome />


All of the Metronome props are optional, providing the ability to make style and functional changes

Name Datatype Default Description
playPauseStyle Object {} The style to apply to the PLAY / PAUSE button
bpmStyle Object {} The style to apply to the BPM number
bpmTagStyle Object {} The style to apply to the 'BPM' text after the number
plusStyle Object {} The style to apply to the PLUS BPM [+] button
minusStyle Object {} The style to apply to the MINUS BPM [-] button
handleStyle Object {} The style to apply to the slider handle
trackStyle Object {} The style to apply to the slider track
railStyle Object {} The style to apply to the slider rail
sliderStyle Object {} The style to apply to the DIV containing the slider and +/- buttons
minBpm Number 40 The minimum BPM that can be set via the slider and buttons
maxBpm Number 200 The maximum BPM that can be set via the slider and buttons
startBpm Number 100 The default BPM
volume Number 0.1 The volume of the metronome (between 0 and 1)
frequency Number 440 The frequency (in hertz) of the beep


This repo comes with a react app for development purposes. To get started, open a terminal in the root of the project and then:

Link the component to the app

cd ./component
npm link

cd ..
npm link @kevinorriss/react-metronome

Start the app

npm start

Start the rollup watcher

cd ./component
npm run dev

Whenever you make a change to the component code, the react app will update.


cd component
npm test

This project uses Jest and Enzyme for its unit tests, simply run the above code to run the test suites.



This project is licensed under the ISC License