This guide and scripts are based on the excelent work made by and the guide in
- Remove the C.H.I.P. from its case (in case you have a Pocket C.H.I.P.).
- Connect the FEL and a GROUND pin of the C.H.I.P. (for example, with a paperclip).
- Connect the C.H.I.P. its micro USB port to a USB port of your Linux machine. Make sure that the port and cable allow for plenty of power. If you get a FEL error, it may be because the C.H.I.P. is running under-voltage.
- On the Linux machine:
- run
git clone
to clone this repository cd
into the location where you stored this repository- run
sudo chmod +x
- run
- Select the version you want to install
- Wait until the installation finishes
- run
- Remove the FEL connection (the paperclip)
- Unplug 3 seconds
- Plug the C.H.I.P. again
- Connect to the chip using
sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0
- Use user: chip and password: chip to connect
- run
sudo nmtui
to set-up a wifi connection to YOUR_SSID - run
sudo nmcli c
to show your current connections - run
sudo nmcli c m <YOUR SSID> connection.autoconnect yes
to set autoconnection to YOUR_SSID wifi in case of trouble - use
ip addr | grep "inet " | awk 'NR==2{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1
to get your CHIP_IP. From your linux computer open other terminal and connect usingssh chip@CHIP_IP
. You can close the terminal runningscreen
- run
sudo su -
to allow all the next changes as superuser - run
bash <(curl -s
to update from Debian Jessie to Debian Stretch - reboot C.H.I.P. into Debian Stretch
- From your linux computer open other terminal and connect using
ssh chip@<CHIP IP>
. - run
sudo su -
to allow all the next changes as superuser - run
bash <(curl -s
to update from Debian Stretch to Debian Buster - reboot C.H.I.P. into Debian Buster