
XM Crypto Recommendations Service

Primary LanguageJava


Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
    1. Database
    2. Interacting with the API
      1. Postman
      2. OpenAPI
    3. User Registration & Authentication
  2. Addressing writeup requirements
    1. Reading prices from CSV files
    2. Calculating aggregate price stats
    3. Descending sorted list of cryptos
    4. Aggregate stats for a given and for all cryptos
    5. Crypto with highest normalized range for given day
  3. Addressing writeup "things to consider"
    1. Documentation
    2. Scaling across multiple cryptos
    3. Safe-guarding against unsupported cryptos
    4. Scaling across greater time ranges of price data
  4. Addressing writeup "extra mile" items
    1. Containerization
    2. Endpoint Security
  5. Logging details
  6. Testing details
  7. Exception handling
  8. Documentation details
  9. Implementation details
  10. Known Issues

Getting started


The code has been developed and tested on a Linux Mint 20.2 Uma machine with kernel version 5.15.0-79-generic and Java 17. We employ a MySQL database for persistence (version 8.0.34-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux x86_64). The code creates and populates all tables, so minimal database legwork is required. You just need to create the database xm_crypto_db, a user named xmcryptouser with the provided password and grant all privileges on xm_crypto_db to xmcryptouser. This is how we did it in our Linux machine (Windows users won't need this). Open up a shell and type:

sudo mysql --password 

Input your sudo password, and this should open up the mysql prompt, where you should type (Windows users will need this as well):

create database xm_crypto_db; -- Creates the new database
create user 'xmcryptouser'@'%' identified by 'ThePassword882100##'; -- Same password we have in the application.properties
grant all on xm_crypto_db.* to 'xmcryptouser'@'%'; -- Gives all privileges to the new user on the newly created database

You can now run the Spring Server by running the CryptoRecServiceApplication class. Once the server is up - and - running, for security reasons, we recommend downgrading the privileges of xmcryptouser to just the absolutely necessary ones through the mysql prompt:

revoke all on xm_crypto_db.* from 'xmcryptouser'@'%';
grant select, insert, delete, update on xm_crypto_db.* to 'xmcryptouser'@'%';

Interacting with the API

You can use plain curl calls, a tool like POSTMAN or even OpenAPI 3.0 Some details for Postman and OpenAPI follow.


We provide a POSTMAN collection in the file Crypto_Rec_App.postman_collection.json. This file has example calls that you can use to interact with the API. Every call to the crypto API has the Authorization header assigned to the string Bearer {{BEARER_TOKEN}}, where {{BEARER_TOKEN}} is a POSTMAN environment variable that contains the JWT returned by the authentication endpoint (see below, section User Registration & Authentication). Here is how you can set this variable. First, click on the Environment Quick Look" icon on the upper-right corner, then on "Edit":

Editing the POSTMAN environment

This will pull up the "Environments" tab, and you can set a variable called BEARER_TOKEN with the JWT as the current value.

Adding a new POSTMAN environment variable


We have prepared an OpenApi bean in class OpenAPI30Configuration and have several annotations in our controllers and DTOs that make the OpenApi 3 page rendered in a user-friendly fashion. Once the app is running, access the page by sending your browser to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#.

To authenticate using the OpenAPI page, make the same POST call described above to the cryptorecapi/authenticate endpoint (make sure the user has been registered first!), copy the JWT returned and then click on the Authorize button:

Asking for JWT through OpenApi3.0

Paste the JWT and click on "Authorize":

Authenticating through OpenApi3.0

This should now "unlock" all the crypto recommendations API REST calls so that you can perform them without getting a 401 "Unauthorized" Http Status code.

An advantage of using the OpenAPI page over the Postman collection is better documentation of the endpoints, with examples of the status codes that are returned. A disadvantage is that you will have to re-authenticate if you refresh the page.

User Registration & Authentication

The API generates JWTs for authentication, with the secret stored in application.properties. The provided POSTMAN collection shows some examples of user registration, but you can also use the OpenAPI page if you prefer. For example, POST-ing the following payload to the cryptorecapi/register endpoint registers Jason Filippou:

  "email" : "jason.filippou@gmail.com",
  "password" : "jasonfilippoupass"

Users are uniquely identified by their e-mail address; attempting to register the same e-mail twice will result in a 409 CONFLICT Http Error Code sent back, alongside a descriptive message:

    "message": "Username jason.filippou@gmail.com already in database."

After registering, you should receive a JSON with just your username (password ommitted for security) and a 201 CREATED Http Response code:

  "username": <THE_USERNAME_YOU_CHOSE>

Note that, in the database, passwords are encrypted using the BCrypt algorithm, so the app admins cannot see the user's password in cleartext:

mysql> select * from user where email_address='jason.filippou@gmail.com';
| id | email_address            | password                                                     |
|  1 | jason.filippou@gmail.com | $2a$10$TJ3qVcmo7UsUW/16dKchHe2YCVLN.whT4KBmMAdaMq9JhhIOIsdRK |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

To receive the Bearer Token, POST the same payload to the /cryptorecapi/authenticate endpoint, for example:

    "email" : "jason.filippou@gmail.com",
    "password" : "jasonfilippoupass"

You should receive a JSON with your JWT alongside a 200 OK.

    "jwtToken": <A_JWT>

The token has been configured to last 5 hours by default, but you can tune that by changing the value of the variable JWT_VALIDITY in the Constants class.

Addressing requirements from writeup

Reading all prices from CSV files

At startup, the application reads all the prices from the CSV files into the MySQL database. Every file will correspond to a new table in the database. We employ multiple threads (a maximum of 10, but you can tune this in the Constants class) to speed up this process.

Calculating aggregate price stats (min, max, first, last, difference, range)

To make most of the endpoints super - efficient, the aggregate stats for the entire month are eagerly loaded in an in-memory "database" (a thread-safe Map) right after the MySQL persistence has taken place. This also employs multiple threads to speed up the process.

The database persistence and in-memory stats aggregation begins in the CommandLineRunner bean in PreloadDatabase.java, so you can start reading from there. By splitting the work across multiple workers, in our machine and with the original 5 CSVs, the entire process takes about 2.2 seconds.

Descending sorted list of cryptos

Performing a GET call at the endpoint /cryptorecapi/sorted will return a list of <crypto, normalized_price> pairs sorted in descending order of normalized price. With the original 5 CSVs provided, this is what the endpoint returns:

    "ETH": 0.6383810111,
    "XRP": 0.5060541311,
    "DOGE": 0.5046511628,
    "LTC": 0.4651837524,
    "BTC": 0.4341211044

It appears that over the month of January 2022, for which we have data, Ethereum offered the best normalized price. We offer 10 decimal digits of numerical accuracy both in the application and in the database.

Aggregate stats for a given crypto and all cryptos

We offer two GET endpoints for this requirement:

  • The cryptorecapi/aggregate endpoint will return a payload with the aggregate stats of all cryptos. The sorting in this case is done lexicographically by name of crypto, in ascending order. This is what it returns for the given .csv files:
    "BTC": {
        "minPrice": 33276.59,
        "maxPrice": 47722.66,
        "firstPrice": 46813.21,
        "lastPrice": 38415.79,
        "priceRange": 14446.07,
        "priceDifference": -8397.42,
        "normalizedPrice": 0.4341211044
    "DOGE": {
        "minPrice": 0.129,
        "maxPrice": 0.1941,
        "firstPrice": 0.1702,
        "lastPrice": 0.1415,
        "priceRange": 0.0651,
        "priceDifference": -0.0287,
        "normalizedPrice": 0.5046511628
    "ETH": {
        "minPrice": 2336.52,
        "maxPrice": 3828.11,
        "firstPrice": 3715.32,
        "lastPrice": 2672.5,
        "priceRange": 1491.59,
        "priceDifference": -1042.82,
        "normalizedPrice": 0.6383810111
    "LTC": {
        "minPrice": 103.4,
        "maxPrice": 151.5,
        "firstPrice": 148.1,
        "lastPrice": 109.6,
        "priceRange": 48.1,
        "priceDifference": -38.5,
        "normalizedPrice": 0.4651837524
    "XRP": {
        "minPrice": 0.5616,
        "maxPrice": 0.8458,
        "firstPrice": 0.8298,
        "lastPrice": 0.5867,
        "priceRange": 0.2842,
        "priceDifference": -0.2431,
        "normalizedPrice": 0.5060541311
  • The cryptorecapi/aggregate/{cryptoName} endpoint will return a payload with the aggregate stats of the provided {cryptoName}. For example, a GET at cryptorecapi/aggregate/XRP will return:
    "minPrice": 0.5616,
    "maxPrice": 0.8458,
    "firstPrice": 0.8298,
    "lastPrice": 0.5867,
    "priceRange": 0.2842,
    "priceDifference": -0.2431,
    "normalizedPrice": 0.5060541311

Providing a crypto that we do not yet support (e.g Tether, with code USDT) will return a 404 NOT FOUND Http Error and a descriptive message:

    "message": "Crypto USDT not currently supported."

Crypto with highest normalized range for a given day

For this requirement, we go back to the on-disk database since maintaining stats for every day in memory would be prohibitively expensive. We once again employ a fixed thread pool with a maximum number of 10 threads to speed up the computation across all cryptos.

We require that days are provided in a YYYY-mm-dd format, e.g "2022-01-01". If the user does not provide the date in this format, we return a 400 BAD REQUEST HTTP Error code and a descriptive text:

    "message": "Date 01/02/2022 not in YYYY-mm-dd format."

It appears that for 2022-01-01 (the first day for which the original files give us data), the "best scoring" crypto was XRP:

    "XRP": 0.0192817546

whereas for the 8th of January 2022 (2022-01-08), it was ETH:

    "ETH": 0.0704867042

For a given date, the implementation only compares cryptos that actually have data for that given date. For the files that are given to us, this is not a problem, since all cryptos have some data for all dates, but we also make sure that we handle the situation where some crypto might not have data for a given date.

If a date for which no crypto has any data is provided, a 404 NOT FOUND HTTP error is returned, alongside a descriptive message:

    "message": "Day 2022-02-01 out of stored range of dates for all cryptos"

For the implementation of this endpoint, please refer to the methods CryptoRecController::bestCryptoOfTheDay() and CryptoRecService::getBestCryptoForDate().

Addressing "things to consider" from writeup


We hope that we have provided sufficient documentation for this exercise. Please refer to the Documentation section of this writeup for a summary.

Scaling across multiple cryptos

The application scales well in the face of several cryptos, because we employ multiple threads to preload the database, and to address the requirements of the "best crypto of the day" endpoint.

Safe-guarding against not currently supported cryptos

The application is robust against not currently supported cryptos. At startup, it determines the set of acceptable cryptos via the CSV files present in the ./task/prices directory. Then, as described above, the application will serve the user with a 404 if they attempt to return results for an unsupported crypto.

Scaling across greater time range of price data

In this case, the application is not robust! This is because at startup, every worker that we spawn for a given CSV file reads the entire file in memory, and then persists the data on disk. This means that it is possible that, for a much larger CSV file than the ones that we have been given, we receive an OutOfMemoryError.

A good way to fix this would be to read the CSV files in chunks of, say, 100 rows each and persist every 100 rows in the database. Perhaps the FileReader instance underneath the CSVReader instance that we employ could be leveraged for this. This would make the startup slower, since we increase the number of database calls performed for the largest file, but it would safe-guard against OutOfMemoryError exceptions.

Addressing "extra mile" from writeup


We unfortunately do not currently have the knowledge to containerize the application. To do this, we would need to pull the MySQL dependency through a docker-compose YAML file. We have seen such files and workflows in production, but need some additional time to study Docker to be able to perform this step. For now, the application requires a version of MySQL installed in the user's computer and for the user to perform the steps mentioned in the Getting Started - Database section.

Endpoint Security

We offer a full-fledged JWT Authentication - based mechanism backed by our MySQL database. Users of the application first need to make a POST to cryptorecapi/register with their e-mail and password, and, if their registration is successful, can obtain a JWT from the cryptorecapi/authenticate endpoint. The entire process is explained in User Registration & Authentication.

The following classes will be interesting to look at to see how we implement the authentication flow:

  • JwtAuthenticationController
  • JwtAuthenticationEntryPoint
  • PasswordEncoderConfig
  • SecurityConfig
  • JwtRequestFilter
  • JwtTokenUtil
  • JwtAuthenticationService
  • JwtUserDetailsService


We employ basic AOP features to offer logging on-demand for any class' methods. The custom annotation @Logged can be applied to any class we desire and offer logging at the INFO and WARN levels for entrance into a method, exit from a method as well as exception throwing from a method.

Have a look at the package com.xm.cryptorecservice.util.logger for more.


We include unit tests under the test/ subdirectory. The IntelliJ code coverage tool shows about 61% line coverage overall:

Code coverage from IntelliJ

Exception handling

All exceptional situations are decorated with Exception Advices implemented in the class ExceptionAdvice. We do this to have a centralized location from which we can assign a custom Exception to a desired HTTP Error code. For example, we associate the UnsupportedCryptoException and DateOutOfStoredRangeException classes with a 404 NOT_FOUND HTTP error code, and the EmailAlreadyInDatabaseException class with a 409 CONFLICT HTTP error code.

Have a look at the package com.xm.cryptorecservice.util.exceptions for details.

Documentation details

We include the present README file, a POSTMAN collection, OpenAPI page and JavaDocs, the latter being generated under the /doc directory.

Implementation details

The version of Java used is 17 and that of Spring Boot is 3.1.3. We pull several interesting dependencies in our pom.xml, such as:

and several others. To interact with the database, we use both the JPA Repository pattern and interacting directly with a JdbcTemplate instance. The JPA Repository pattern is used only for user registration and authentication, since we already know the table name and fields in advance. All other database interface calls are done through a wired-in JdbcTemplate that gets configured in the application.properties file.

All multi-threaded workflows employ a fixed thread pool generated by java.util.concurrent.Executors. The parent thread waits for the workers to complete by calling await() on a shared CountDownLatch instance. Care has been applied to make all operations on shared variables thread-safe (for example, by employing concurrent maps or ensuring that the different workers don't structurally modify shared variables).

For the initial population of the MySQL database, batch inserts, with a batch size of 100, are used.

The method CryptoRecService::getBestCryptoOfDate() is the most interesting one from an algorithmic perspective, since it could employ one of two different synchronized Map implementations to achieve its goals. Feel free to have a look at the comments inside the method for details.

The data type we employ for cryptocurrency prices is BigDecimal, and we offer 10 decimal digits of numerical accuracy both at the database level and in-memory.

We achieve dependency injection transparently, without any @Autowired annotations, by making dependencies private and final in the target class and using Lombok's @RequiredArgsConstructor annotation. Of course, @Component, @RestController, @Service and @Repository annotations are used as required.

IntelliJ Ultimate edition was used, employing the google-java-format plugin for formatting.

Known Issues

  • In the /cryptorecapi/aggregate/{crypto} endpoint, if you neglect to pass in the path variable {crypto} you will get a 401 Unauthorized HTTP Error. This is because of the way that the commence() method has been overloaded in JwtAuthenticationEntryPoint and could probably have been handled better. This error is not reproducible in Swagger, since Swagger does some elementary field cleansing of its own and does not allow you to put in nothing for {crypto}.
  • We use the Hibernate @Email validator for validating e-mails, and that validator is sensitive to leading / trailing whitespace. Please be careful when typing e-mail addresses in authentication endpoints.
  • As mentioned above, it is possible that, for a very large CSV file, we encounter an OutOfMemoryError and are unable to persist the data in the MySQL database.