

Primary LanguageC

	21006694 Monty Galloway
	21072553 Jiangyu Wang


Test certificates provided in client_certs/server_certs were sourced from the student help forum for 
CITS3002, these are not our own work and have been used for testing only.

Useage Examples
Server binary can be run from server directory, client binary from client directory.
		(Not a perfect edition)

Server usage: 


Client usage:
	-a filename (add file to trustcloud)

		./client -h -a bom.html

	-c number (provide circumference of ring of trust)
		(currently only implemented to be used alongside other flags, i.e. -f and -l)

	-f filename (fetch file filename from the server)

		./client -h -f bom.html [-c 3]

	-h hostname:port (specify hostname to connect on)
		NOTE: Current server implementation only uses 3490 port

		./client -h

	-l 	(list all stored files and how they are protected)
		./client -h -l [-c 3]

	-u certificate (upload certificate)
		NOTE: client certificates should be stored in client_certs, alongside their key
			files with the format: 
				A_key.pem (private key)
				A_crt.pem (certificate)

		./client -h -u A 	(use only unique identifier part of the name)

	-v filename certificate (vouch for authenticity of existing file on trustserver using indicated cert)

		./client -h -v bom.html A	(again only use unique id of certificate)