Hi there 👋 I'm Jason.

✍️ 🪖 🚀 ⚡️
I'm a self-taught programmer, career-changer, bootcamp-graduater, and computer science enjoyer.

💼  I'm currently working as a Software Engineer at Drop.
🍎  Previously, I was a teaching assistant for BrainStation's full-stack developer bootcamp.
🔭  I like to follow my nose – endlessly curious about systems, software, programming, the web, and CS.
🎨  Fun fact: I used to be an ad agency art director, and have worked on national campaigns for brands like KFC and LG.
🎸  When I'm not coding: I love listening to & playing music, making photographs, watching RPDR & TNG.
🙋‍♂️  he/him

Check out some things I've made  👇