
create-react-app with a Phoenix/Elixir API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

create-react-app with Phoenix/Elixir server example

create-react-app with a Phoenix API. This example follows Fullstack React's excellent blog post about setting up create-react-app with a Rails API, but with a Phoenix server instead. The React components in this example are copied over directly from Fullstack React's repo.

Get it running

git clone git@github.com:jasongalvin/create_react_app_phoenix_example.git
cd create_react_app_phoenix_example
mix deps.get
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
mix run "priv/repo/seeds.exs"
cd client
npm i
cd ..
forego start

Now you can visit localhost:5000 from your browser.


This setup uses forego for process management. You could easily set it up with something like Foreman instead.

The javascript app lives in the /client folder.

Improvements welcome, please create a pull request.