
Mirror of old blog setup using Jekyll

Primary LanguageRuby


This represents the source code making up my blog, jason.the-graham.com. It is found in my personal source code repository, and is mirrored on Github.

The site is generated through Jekyll, using kramdown as a Markdown interpreter. Originally, I was using my own forked version with kramdown functionality added, but kramdown functionality was merged into Jekyll as of version 0.8.

Rather than explicitly calling Jekyll, I use rake to compile the site. See the included Rakefile.


The contents of the following files directories are the copyright of Jason Graham. You may not use them without permission.

  • about/
  • images/, with the exception of images/icons, which are the work of komodomedia.com.

The following content is available through the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License.

  • _posts/

Any other content is MIT licensed unless explicitly stated. If you find them useful, credit would be nice, but is not required.