
Alexa Skill for Reddit Browsing, utilizing the Amazon Alexa Skills SDK and JRAW

Primary LanguageJava


Alexa for Reddit is a custom skill designed to read the top 10 posts from the front page.


  • Front Page
    • "Give me the front page" will return a list of the top 10 'hot' posts from the Reddit front page
  • Subreddits
    • "Give me posts from [subreddit]" will return a list of the top 10 'hot' posts from the specified subreddit


The project properties file is hidden until oAuth can be implemented (to protect my Reddit credentials). Here is an example of what it looks like:

# Reddit
### Credentials
### Service Settings
reddit.page.limit = 5
reddit.page.ceiling = 2
# Alexa
### Messages
alexa.help.repeat=Would you like the front page, or a subreddit?
alexa.misunderstand=Sorry, what was that?
alexa.welcome=Welcome! Would you like the front page, or a subreddit?
alexa.explain.intents=With Alexa for Reddit, you can either get the front page, or a subreddit. Which would you like?
alexa.connection.error=Sorry, there seems to be a problem connecting to Reddit.