
Test driving Craco (create-react-app + configuration hooks)

Primary LanguageSCSS


Test driving Craco (create-react-app + configuration hooks)

const { when, whenDev, whenProd, whenTest, ESLINT_MODES, POSTCSS_MODES } = require("@craco/craco");

module.exports = {
    reactScriptsVersion: "react-scripts" /* (default value) */,
    style: {
        modules: {
            localIdentName: ""
        css: {
            loaderOptions: { /* Any css-loader configuration options: https://github.com/webpack-contrib/css-loader. */ },
            loaderOptions: (cssLoaderOptions, { env, paths }) => { return cssLoaderOptions; }
        sass: {
            loaderOptions: { /* Any sass-loader configuration options: https://github.com/webpack-contrib/sass-loader. */ },
            loaderOptions: (sassLoaderOptions, { env, paths }) => { return sassLoaderOptions; }
        postcss: {
            mode: "extends" /* (default value) */ || "file",
            plugins: [require('plugin-to-append')], // Additional plugins given in an array are appended to existing config.
            plugins: (plugins) => [require('plugin-to-prepend')].concat(plugins), // Or you may use the function variant.
            env: {
                autoprefixer: { /* Any autoprefixer options: https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer#options */ },
                stage: 3, /* Any valid stages: https://cssdb.org/#staging-process. */
                features: { /* Any CSS features: https://preset-env.cssdb.org/features. */ }
            loaderOptions: { /* Any postcss-loader configuration options: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-loader. */ },
            loaderOptions: (postcssLoaderOptions, { env, paths }) => { return postcssLoaderOptions; }
    eslint: {
        enable: true /* (default value) */,
        mode: "extends" /* (default value) */ || "file",
        configure: { /* Any eslint configuration options: https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring */ },
        configure: (eslintConfig, { env, paths }) => { return eslintConfig; },
        pluginOptions: { /* Any eslint plugin configuration options: https://github.com/webpack-contrib/eslint-webpack-plugin#options. */ },
        pluginOptions: (eslintOptions, { env, paths }) => { return eslintOptions; }
    babel: {
        presets: [],
        plugins: [],
        loaderOptions: { /* Any babel-loader configuration options: https://github.com/babel/babel-loader. */ },
        loaderOptions: (babelLoaderOptions, { env, paths }) => { return babelLoaderOptions; }
    typescript: {
        enableTypeChecking: true /* (default value)  */
    webpack: {
        alias: {},
        plugins: {
            add: [], /* An array of plugins */
            add: [
                [plugin2, "append"],
                [plugin3, "prepend"], /* Specify if plugin should be appended or prepended */
            ], /* An array of plugins */
            remove: [],  /* An array of plugin constructor's names (i.e. "StyleLintPlugin", "ESLintWebpackPlugin" ) */
        configure: { /* Any webpack configuration options: https://webpack.js.org/configuration */ },
        configure: (webpackConfig, { env, paths }) => { return webpackConfig; }
    jest: {
        babel: {
            addPresets: true, /* (default value) */
            addPlugins: true  /* (default value) */
        configure: { /* Any Jest configuration options: https://jestjs.io/docs/en/configuration. */ },
        configure: (jestConfig, { env, paths, resolve, rootDir }) => { return jestConfig; }
    devServer: { /* Any devServer configuration options: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/#devserver. */ },
    devServer: (devServerConfig, { env, paths, proxy, allowedHost }) => { return devServerConfig; },
    plugins: [
            plugin: {
                overrideCracoConfig: ({ cracoConfig, pluginOptions, context: { env, paths } }) => { return cracoConfig; },
                overrideWebpackConfig: ({ webpackConfig, cracoConfig, pluginOptions, context: { env, paths } }) => { return webpackConfig; },
                overrideDevServerConfig: ({ devServerConfig, cracoConfig, pluginOptions, context: { env, paths, proxy, allowedHost } }) => { return devServerConfig; },
                overrideJestConfig: ({ jestConfig, cracoConfig, pluginOptions, context: { env, paths, resolve, rootDir } }) => { return jestConfig },
            options: {}