
Aptos Labs Unity SDK

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

Aptos Unity SDK

The Aptos Unity SDK is a .NET implementation of the Aptos SDK, compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET 4.x for Unity. The goal of this SDK is to provide a set of tools for developers to build multi-platform applications (mobile, desktop, web, VR) using the Unity game engine and the Aptos blockchain infrastructure.

Examples and References

The Aptos Unity SDK includes an implementation of a desktop wallet application as an example. A set of examples is also provided in the Assets/Aptos-Unity-SDK/SDK-Examples directory.

A local version of Doxygen-generated documentation for the classes can be found in Assets/Aptos-Unity-SDK/Documentation/html/index.html. A hosted version of the latter documentation can found at: https://aptos-unity-sdk-docs.netlify.app/

Getting Started

To get started, check out our Quick Start video. The Aptos Unity SDK dev doc and this accompanying README file provide further details on the SDK and integration.


  1. Download the latest aptos-unity-sdk-xx.unitypackage file from Release
  2. Inside Unity, Click on AssetsImport PackagesCustom Package. and select the downloaded file.

NOTE: As of Unity 2021.x.x, Newtonsoft Json is a common dependency. Prior versions of Unity require installing Newtonsoft.

Quick Start Video


Wallet Example Walthrough

Find a set of examples under the SDK-Examples/SDK Demo and SDK-Examples/UI Demo directories. We will use the scene under UI Demo for this walkthrough.


Once you open the demo scene, you will see all tabs are locked except Add Account; you have the choice to create or import a wallet.



Note that we currently store the mnemonics words in PlayerPrefs.

In code, you can create a wallet as follows:

// Create Wallet

Mnemonic mnemo = new Mnemonic(Wordlist.English, WordCount.Twelve);
wallet = new Wallet(mnemo);

PlayerPrefs.SetString(mnemonicsKey, mnemo.ToString());

This wallet object can be used to derive multiple accounts that show in code further down.



Once you create the wallet, you will be able to unlock the rest of the panel, on Account Panel.


Deriving Accounts from HD Wallet

In code, you can derive accounts from the HD Wallet by selecting an account index as follows:

// Create sub-wallets

Mnemonic mnemo = new Mnemonic(Wordlist.English, WordCount.Twelve);
wallet = new Wallet(mnemo);

for (int i = 0; i < accountNumLimit; i++)
    var account = wallet.GetAccount(i);
    var addr = account.AccountAddress.ToString();


You can also generate an account from a random seed / private key as follows:

// Create new account

Account alice = new Account();
AccountAddress aliceAddress = alice.AccountAddress;


When using Devnet, you can airdrop one APT to your account address as follows:

// Airdrop

bool success = false;
ResponseInfo responseInfo = new ResponseInfo();

Coroutine fundAliceAccountCor = StartCoroutine(
    FaucetClient.Instance.FundAccount((_success, _responseInfo) =>
        success = _success;
        responseInfo = _responseInfo;
    }, aliceAddress.ToString(), 100000000, faucetEndpoint));

yield return fundAliceAccountCor;

// Check if funding the account was succesful
if(responseInfo.status != ResponseInfo.Status.Success)
    Debug.LogError("Faucet funding for Alice failed: " + responseInfo.message);
    yield break;

NFT Minter



On the Mint NFT tab, you can mint an NFT of your own. In order to do that, you need to Create Collection first, then Create NFT.

Note that you must confirm that the creation of the collection was sucessful before creating the token; you can use the WaitForTransaction co-routing for this.

// Create Collection

string collectionName = "Alice's";
string collectionDescription = "Alice's simple collection";
string collectionUri = "https://aptos.dev";

Transaction createCollectionTxn = new Transaction();

Coroutine createCollectionCor = StartCoroutine(
    RestClient.Instance.CreateCollection((_createCollectionTxn, _responseInfo) =>
        createCollectionTxn = _createCollectionTxn;
        responseInfo = _responseInfo;
    }, alice, collectionName, collectionDescription, collectionUri));
yield return createCollectionCor;

// Check if collection creation was successful 
if(responseInfo.status != ResponseInfo.Status.Success)
    Debug.LogError("Cannot create collection. " + responseInfo.message);

// Check response and transaction hash
Debug.Log("Create Collection Response: " + responseInfo.message);
string transactionHash = createCollectionTxn.Hash;
Debug.Log("Create Collection Hash: " + createCollectionTxn.Hash);
// Wait for Transaction
bool waitForTxnSuccess = false;
Coroutine waitForTransactionCor = StartCoroutine(
    RestClient.Instance.WaitForTransaction((_pending, _responseInfo) =>
        waitForTxnSuccess = _pending;
        responseInfo = _responseInfo;
    }, transactionHash)
yield return waitForTransactionCor;

    Debug.LogWarning("Transaction was not found.");
// Create NFT

string tokenName = "Alice's first token";
string tokenDescription = "Alice's simple token";
string tokenUri = "https://aptos.dev/img/nyan.jpeg";

Transaction createTokenTxn = new Transaction();
Coroutine createTokenCor = StartCoroutine(
    RestClient.Instance.CreateToken((_createTokenTxn, _responseInfo) =>
        createTokenTxn = _createTokenTxn;
        responseInfo = _responseInfo;
    }, alice, collectionName, tokenName, tokenDescription, 1, 1, tokenUri, 0)
yield return createTokenCor;

if(responseInfo.status != ResponseInfo.Status.Success)
    Debug.LogError("Error creating token. " + responseInfo.message);

Debug.Log("Create Token Response: " + responseInfo.message);
string createTokenTxnHash = createTokenTxn.Hash;
Debug.Log("Create Token Hash: " + createTokenTxn.Hash);

Transaction Executer

On the Send Transaction panel, you can send tokens by pasting the recipient address and token amount.

Below we demonstrate how to send APT to another account.

Account alice = new Account();
Account bob = new Account();

Transaction transferTxn = new Transaction();
Coroutine transferCor = StartCoroutine(
    RestClient.Instance.Transfer((_transaction, _responseInfo) => {
        transferTxn = _transaction;
        responseInfo = _responseInfo;
    }, alice, bob.AccountAddress.ToString(), 1000));

yield return transferCor;

if(responseInfo.status != ResponseInfo.Status.Success)
    Debug.LogWarning("Transfer failed: " + responseInfo.message);
    yield break;

Debug.Log("Transfer Response: " + responseInfo.message);
string transactionHash = transferTxn.Hash;
Debug.Log("Transfer Response Hash: " + transferTxn.Hash);

Technical Details

Core Features

  • HD Wallet Creation & Recovery
  • Account Management
    • Account Recovery
    • Message Signing
    • Message Verification
    • Transaction Management
    • Single / Multi-signer Authentication
    • Authentication Key Rotation
  • Native BCS Support
  • Faucet Client for Devnet

Unity Support

Supported Version: Tested
Windows Mac iOS Android WebGL



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