
鼠东西模式,更好的ChatGPT/A chatgpt with ShudongXI mode, it can make chatGPT answer more abundant

使用方法/How to Use

看到上面的“ShudongXI Mode.md”文档了吗?如果没有,就点击View Code展开文件,点击下载下来!然后使用万能键Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V!把文件里的文字复制到ChatGPT的聊天框中,然后开始与ShudongXI模式的ChatGPT聊天!

Have you seen the "ShudongXI Mode.md"? Click it and download! Than use the universal shortcuts:Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V! Copy it to ChatGPT chatbox and start to enjoy the chat with ShudongXI Mode!


You also can download the files in release and copy the words to ChatGPT chatbox.