
A lightweight wrapper around the PHP OCI8 extension.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Develpup OCI

This is still under development, so don't get your hopes up. It's loosely based on the Doctrine Connection and Statement classes, but does not implement nor extend any Doctrine interfaces or classes.

Use at your own risk.


// Connect to the database.
$conn = new \Develpup\Oci\OciConnection('hr', 'welcome', 'localhost/XE');

// Execute SQL statement.
$conn->exec('CREATE TABLE my_table (my_number NUMBER, my_clob CLOB)');

// Prepare SQL statement for execution and return an OciStatement object.
$stmt = $conn->prepare(
    'INSERT INTO my_table (my_number, my_clob)
     VALUES (:int_param, EMPTY_CLOB())
     RETURNING my_clob INTO :clob_param'

// Must execute within a transaction so that $clob->save() will work.

// We can bind the parameters by value:
$stmt->bind('clob_param')->toValue('CLOB #1')->asClob();

// We can bind the parameters by reference:
$stmt->bind('int_param')->toVar($num); // No need to call as{Type}() more than once.
for ($num = 2; $num <= 4; ++$num) {
    $clob->save("CLOB #{$num}");

// And then we can bind them by value again:
$stmt->bind('clob_param')->toValue('CLOB #5');

// Commit the changes and free the clob

// Execute SQL statement, returning a result set as an OciStatement object.
$stmt   = $conn->query('SELECT * FROM my_table');
$values = array();
// Fetch each row from the result set as an associative array.
while (($row = $stmt->fetchAssoc())) {
    $values[ (int) $row['MY_NUMBER'] ] = $row['MY_CLOB'];
assert($values === array(1 => 'CLOB #1', 2 => 'CLOB #2', 3 => 'CLOB #3', 4 => 'CLOB #4', 5 => 'CLOB #5'));

// Fetch all values from a single column.
$stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT my_number FROM my_table WHERE my_number > :my_param');
$values = $stmt->fetchAllColumn();
assert($values === array('3', '4', '5'));

// Create and execute a stored procedure that defines a cursor output parameter.
    'CREATE PROCEDURE get_numbers (my_rc OUT sys_refcursor) AS BEGIN
        OPEN my_rc FOR SELECT my_number FROM my_table;
$stmt = $conn->prepare('BEGIN get_numbers(:my_cursor); END;');
$stmt->execute(); // execute statement first
$values = $cursor->fetchAllColumn();
assert($values === array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5'));


For many other examples, see tests/functional/PhpManualOciExamplesTest.php. Each test tries to reproduce an example from the OCI8 extension pages of the PHP manual.