
Primary LanguagePython



  1. Install docker and docker-compose.
  2. run make build && make run in the root directory (this one)
  3. In another window, run make init_db to initialize the database

Project Organization

Simplified tree diagram

.  # Contains docker setup and Makefile
├── docker-compose.yml  # defines setup of PostgreSQL and Django
├── Dockerfile  # defines powered/backend Docker image
├── initialize.sh  # sets up Django container (runs migrations and then boots server)
├── Makefile  # contains very useful helper commands
└── src  # Contains all Django code
    ├── powered  # Contains code relating to the entire website
    │   ├── keys.py  # put confidential info in here, like server or email keys
    │   ├── settings.py  # global settings (please keep confidential info out of here)
    │   ├── urls.py  # global URLs (usually imports app URLs too)
    └── <app_name>  # Same structure for all apps in project
        ├── admin.py  # sets up /admin pages
        ├── models.py  # contains class declarations and methods
        ├── serializers.py  # contains serializers for classes 
        ├── tests.py  # define necessary tests
        ├── urls.py  # sets up app specific URLs
        └── views.py  # sets up responses to URLs

Makefile commands

  • make build creates the powered/backend image
  • make run starts up the PostgreSQL and Django containers
  • make restart restarts the Django container (useful when you edit code)
  • make ssh starts a bash session in the latest Django container
  • make run_command runs a command inside the latest Django container
    • make run_command cmd="echo hi" will run echo hi inside the latest Django container
  • make shell starts a python shell inside the latest Django container
  • make test runs test.py use args=--keepdb to use previous test database

How to do authorized requests

  1. Login
  • Post to /o/token/ with defined body parameters, including client id and client secret
  • Only the username and password fields in the input should ever change
  • Only the access_token field in the output really matters
  1. Use the access_token to do authorized requests
  • HEADER MUST BE Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>
  • Django will automatically identify the user with the token


POST /o/token/ (login)

    client_secret:<CLIENT_SECRET> // Note: the CLIENT_SECRET is a hardcoded field you need to get from your backend


        "access_token": "<ACCESS_TOKEN>",
        "expires_in": 36000,
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "scope": "read write groups",
        "refresh_token": "<REFRESH_TOKEN>"


Authorization done over headers
Authorization: "Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


Profile Model

  "id": <PROFILE_ID>
  "first_name": "<FIRSTNAME>"
  "last_name": "<LASTNAME>"
  "email": "<EMAIL>"
  "phone": "<PHONE>"

Category Model

  "id": <CATEGORY_ID>
  "description": "<CATEGORY_DESC_STRING>"
  "parent": <FOREIGN_KEY_TO_PARENT> #Not shown

OrderItem Model

  "id": <ORDERITEM_ID>
  "item_name": "<ITEM_NAME>"
  "description": "<ITEM_DESCRIPTION>"
  "price": <PRICE>
  "parent_category": <FOREIGN_KEY_TO_PARENT_CATEGORY> #Not shown

OrderPlace Model

  "place_name": "<PLACE_NAME>"
  "address": "<ADDRESS_STRING>"
  "lat": <DECIMAL_LATITUDE>   #Format: xx.xxxxxxx
  "lng": <DECIMAL_LONGITUDE>  #Format: xxx.xxxxxxx 

Order Model

  "id": <ORDER_ID>
  "delivery_address": "<ADDRESS_STRING>"
  "delivery_fee": <DECIMAL> #Max 2 digits after decimal point
  "order_status": <ORDER_STATUS_STRING> Options: "OP"=Open, "IP"=In Progress, "CL"=Closed
  "courier_rating": <RATING_INTEGER>
  "order_time": <AUTO_FILLED_TIMESTAMP>
  "completion_time": <AUTO_FILLED_TIMESTAMP>


Create new profile

POST /profiles/new/

        "email": "<EMAIL>",
        "password": "<PASSWORD>"
        "first_name": "<FIRSTNAME>"
        "last_name": "<LASTNAME>"
        "phone": "<PHONE>"

returns resulting profile

Get own profile

GET /profiles/me/
returns own profile object

Get specific profile info

GET /profiles/<PROFILE_ID>/
returns specified profile object

Update own profile info

PATCH /profiles/me/

        "field_name": "<DESIRED_VALUE"

returns updated Profile object

Get open orders

GET /orders/open/
returns list of Order objects

View Order Categories or Items

GET /categories/view_children/<category_id> returns

    "type": <"category" OR "order_item">
    "parent": "<Name of parent category>"
    <"category" OR "order_item">: <LIST OF CATEGORIES OR ORDER ITEMS>

Make new order

POST /orders/new/

        "delivery_address": "<ADDRESS_STRING>"
        "items": <LIST_OF_ORDERITEMS>
        "fee": <DECIMAL> #Max 2 digits after decimal point

returns new Order object