
Responsible Shopping site created on Angular and Bootstrap4

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project is Shopping Portal. Where user can see the product and add to the cart to buy.

This project is done in Angular 6 and Bootstrap 4.

The aim in this project is to demonstrate Parent and Child communication , using @Input and @Output and learn Bootstrap.

Responsive Website

To preview this project click here

Over View of this Project


  • At the top we see Inventory Management App: that’s our application(App Component).
  • Under the application we have the Products List components.
  • The Products List component has Product Rows, one for each product.
  • And the Product Row uses three components itself: one for the Product Image Component , Product Department Component, and Price Display Component.
  • There is one more component under app component is Shopping Cart component to display the product add to cart.


  • Product Model: it’s just a model that we’ll use in our app to store each product detail.

Project Flow

  • Product array is declared in App Component and I initialized with list of product.
  • This array is sent to ProductList from there one one prodout is send to ProductRow using *ngFor.
  • ProductRow display the product data using ProductImage , ProductDepartment, and PriceDisplay Component.
  • One "Add to Cart" button is added in ProductRow Component, to add product to cart.
  • so I have emit event from ProductRow -> ProductList -> AppComponent. Event is Product Object.
  • In AppComponent there is Array of Product called 'shoppingList' where all the selected product is push.
  • Then I have send this array(shoppingList) to Shopping Cart component. Component will only display the product which user as add to cart.