
This is my Professional Portfolio - Built with React.js. It includes my projects with links to them. Also includes links to my LinkedIn & Github, a downloadable resume & a way to directly email me.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Portfolio

My Professional Portfolio - Build with React.js


A Portfolio built with React.js

Table of Contents:


** Go to My-Portfolio In order to view My React Portfolio Webpage.


Screenshot "Deployed Landing Page"


  • I would like to thank my esteemed cohort member Mr. Marcus Lewis for introducing me to tsparticles!


- MIT License - Copyright (c) 2022 Jason Yoo


- UCI Full Stack Bootcamp Graduate circa 2022


- Dynamic single page application built with React.js - Picture of me and some information about myself - Information of my educational background - Images/links of my six main projects, links to the deploy websites and github repositories. - Contact section with links to my resume, email, and linkedin profile with links once clicked will open new tab.

How to Contribute:

- My github repository is publically viewable. If you would to contribute to the webpage please email me at my link on the webpage with you github username and I will add you as a contributor on the repo.


- You can test out the webpage on vsc or directly in the inspect window of your browser.


  1. Implemented npm packages [axios, tsparticles, bootstrap, pretty] in conjunction with React.js
  2. JSX was utilized to render the front-end UI.
  3. My resume is downloadable to users.
  4. List of my programming knowledge located in a togglable carousel.
  5. Asyncronous user interface.

Github (Github Repository):

Click here to go to my React Portfolio Github Repository

URL (Published Webpage):



                     Jason Yoo


For any questions regarding this application, you may reach me directly at jasonjayoo@outlook.com.

To view my other applications, please check out my github page jasonjayoo.