
Practicalli customisations to the Doom Emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Practicalli Doom Emacs Config

A personal configuration for Doom Emacs with a focus on creating a similar key binding and menu experience to that of Spacemacs, as [Practicalli has used Spacemacs since 2015](https://jr0cket.co.uk/2015/08/spacemacs-first-impressions-from-an-emacs-driven-developer.html).

Doom Emacs default key bindings have been changed significantly and further changes will be made as this project evolves. Therefore this configuration is probably not directly applicable for those already comfortable with the Doom Emacs maintainers workflow (although there are quite a few commonalities).

Rebount keys

The most noticalbe key bindings changed from the Doom Emacs defaults include:

~,~ is set to local leader and SPC remains the leader key

SPC TAB jumps to previous buffer

SPC l TAB jumps to previously selected workspace (layout in Spacemacs terms)

SPC g s opens Magit status (rather than stage hunk at point)

fd alternative key binding to pressing ESC key

Added keys

~, ,~ close the commit message and create the commit (text-mode-map)

~, k~ cancel the commit message without commit (text-mode-map)


TODO: ~, b d~ to add code blocks via babel demarcate TODO: review org-mode key bindings and refactor