
A universal React + Electron boilerplate.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A universal React + Electron boilerplate.

Please make sure you have Electron installed globally.

  1. npm install, of course.
  2. npm run electron-dev to create a dev script.
  3. npm run preelectron-pack to build the React app, then npm run electron-pack to build the application package.

Introduce some of the vital packages:

  • electron-builder - A complte solution to package and build a ready-for distribution Electron app for MacOS, Windows and Linux with auto-update support out of the box.
  • concurrently - Runs command concurrently. I use this package to run React and Electron concurrently in one command - check out the electron-dev script under package.json.
  • wait-on - A command line utility and Node.js API that will wait for files, ports, sockets and http(s) resources to become available. I use this package to wait for the React server to begin running before starting the Electron app - see the electron-dev as well.

Things worth noticing:

  • You need to build the React app before building the Electron app. The preelectron-pack command is for the former, followed by electron-pack. Notice the latter needs to specify the build property, because of a minor confict between create-react-app and electron-builder - they both use the build folder for a different purpose. Manually configure electron-builder's correct folders for build step by adding build section to package.json can solve this conflict.

  • Considering that we will serve the build/index.html instead of using localhost:3000 under production, we need the electron-is-dev to help determine if Electron is running in development, and make some tweaks in the mainWindow.loadURL functionality:

    mainWindow.loadURL(isDev ? ‘http://localhost:3000' : `file://${path.join(__dirname, ‘../build/index.html’)}`);