
Run cohort analysis between a list of customers and orders. This project accepts customers and orders as CSV files to be uploaded to a web front-end and will display a graphical representation of basic analysis. For more detailed analysis download the CSV.

Getting Started


This project uses Docker, which will make starting it up incredibly simple. The only prerequisite you need to run this project is to ensure that git is installed on your machine so you can clone the repo and docker, so you can run the project.

On a mac I recommend installing Docker Desktop. For any other informatio about installing docker see this.

How to Run the App

After you cloned this repo, navigate to the project's root folder in your terminal. Then run the following command:

docker-compose up -d

You will see an output where the three applications (web front-end, api, and database) as all being build. As soon as that is finished you will need to run a quick migration script. You can do that by typing the following into your terminal:

docker exec api sequelize db:migrate

Starting and Stopping the App

Once you've built and started the containers you can stop them at any time by running docker-compose stop. You can restart them again by just running docker-compose start.

Using the Application

Once you've finished building and starting the app, you can visit the web front end by visiting localhost:80. The API is available behind port 3000 and the database is behind port 8001.

First, drag your customers csv file into the active drag-area that instructions you to do so. Once that's done and your customers have been uploaded, do the same with your orders. Orders may take a little while longer than customers, but once that's done the app will receive the analyzed cohort data and display a small graphic. This graphic is not the full report, click "Download as CSV" to view the full report.

Project Structure

This project is in a monorepo, meaning that both the web front-end and the api exist within this one project.

  • /api - As the name suggests, this is the repo for the application's API. It is build using NodeJS and HapiJS as the Node framework. It's using Sequelize as the Postgres ORM.
  • /client - This is the web front-end repo. This is a basic React/Redux application that is also using ImmutableJS and Redux Thunk.


Both the API and the Client app have unit tests run through Jest. To run tests for either project just navigate to it, install any dependencies via yarn install then run yarn test.