
Git Mirror of game created for ICS3U1.

Primary LanguagePython

Descend Us

Welcome to Descend Us, the Among Us spinoff!

About the game

Now that you've been ejected from the spaceship, you must use your parachute to descend back down to Earth.

The catch is: there's asteroids in the way!

You must navigate and dodge the asteroids. You are also given a laser gun to shoot down the asteroids!

You start being 1000km away from Earth, with 100HP and 10 lasers.

Every time you shoot down an asteroid, you get 50km to reaching Earth.

If you just avoid the asteroids without shooting them, you descend at a rate of 1km/sec.

If you get hit by an asteroid, you lose 5HP.

You must grab the laser packs to replenish your laser supply.

How to run:

  1. Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Invoke Descend Us as a module
python -m DescendUs



I think this project deserves a level 4+ because it meets all goals of the assignment, and implements more features (both game-wise and programming-wise) than necessary.

Descend Us is an asteroid avoidance game, however it is more than just that. It adds the ability to shoot down asteroids, along with extra lore to engage the user. Not only does adding extra features (see Features section below for details) enhances the game player-wise, it demonstrates the ability of more programming concepts. This includes implementing the ability all objects in the game to interact together (eg. Collidable [Asteroid, Ammo], Laser), using abstract classes to represent similar objects (Collidable -> Asteroid, Ammo), and separating game state (_globals, always consistent) from the game itself (other classes, rendered per frame).

Descend Us demonstrates knowledge of lists, functions, and library usage. All game state data is stored in a globals file (DescendUs._globals.py), allowing a bridge for each process of the game to interact with each other safely. The PyGame library is used extensively, by implementing concepts learned in class (eg. game state, rendering, colours, collisions), as well as new concepts from the PyGame documentation (eg. loading audio, loading images, manipulating/transforming images & surfaces). Descend Us also uses an object oriented approach (see DescendUs.objects) to keep code organized with a clear and concise logic, as well as following the DRY (don't repeat yourself) principle.

Descend Us' internal documentation includes a program header, clean and readable comments following Python's style guide, understandable variable names, as well as general code organization and readbility. Regular commits were used to show step-by-step progress in the development process. Branches and pull requests were used to separate features and versions of the game. The game is bug-free (when tested on Mac), the code is efficient, and the game implements elements of randomness (eg. asteroid/ammo generation).

New commands and capabilities of PyGame were implemented into Descend Us. Some listed above were loading audio, loading and displaying images, transforming (rotating, scaling) images/surfaces. Though PyGame provides an easy out-of-the-box way to use commands, DescendUs abstracts this such as through methods (eg. view methods, object methods) that provide a safe and simple way for each component of the game to interact with.

The sections below will provide insight into the use of mockups and feature lists, and as to how the planning process of Descend Us went:


Features are defined in the version guide.


Mockups of the UI are available here.

The version guide is available here.


Each version will be worked on in its own branch. When completed, it will be merged to the dev branch. When a full release is available, it will be merged to the main branch.