A small archetype based entity component system. I wrote this out of my own curiosity. This is not meant to be used in a "real" project.


Copy ecs.c and ecs.h to your project.

#include "ecs.h"
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {
  float x;
  float y;
} Position;

typedef struct {
  float x;
  float y;
} Velocity;

void Move(ecs_view_t view, unsigned int row) {
  Position *p = ecs_view(view, row, 0);
  Velocity *v = ecs_view(view, row, 1);
  p->x += v->x;
  p->y += v->y;
  printf("Entity moved to (%f, %f)\n", p->x, p->y);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  ecs_registry_t *registry = ecs_init();

  const ecs_entity_t pos_component = ECS_COMPONENT(registry, Position);
  const ecs_entity_t vel_component = ECS_COMPONENT(registry, Velocity);

  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    ecs_entity_t e = ecs_entity(registry);
    ecs_attach(registry, e, pos_component);
    ecs_attach(registry, e, vel_component);
    ecs_set(registry, e, pos_component, &(Position){0.0f, 0.0f});
    ecs_set(registry, e, vel_component, &(Velocity){1.0f, 1.0f});

  ECS_SYSTEM(registry, Move, 2, pos_component, vel_component);

  while (true) {


  return 0;

How it works

Entity component systems lets you address performance and maintenance problems that typically arise in traditional object-oriented programming (OOP). Heavily nested hierarchies seen in OOP causes memory to be distributed all over the heap, forcing the CPU to twiddle its thumbs as it waits for data to be fetched from main memory. Object oriented inheritance hierarchies are also difficult to change as a project gets bigger and bigger.

Entities are simply represented as 64 bit integers. They are stored in an archetype, a table where entity component data can be accessed.

Components are just POD (Plain old data). They can be structs, or even integers. You can attach components to an entity. If you used Unity before, this kind of architecture may seem familiar to you.

Systems are pieces of code that updates a given set of components. For example, a system that runs on Position and Velocity components will update all entities with at least those two components.

Archetypes are a huge part of making this entity component system work as fast as it can. Each archetype stores a unique set of component types and component data. Archetypes are also vertices in a graph, with left and right edges. Traversing left in the graph leads to archetypes with one less component type, while traversing right finds archetypes with one additional component type.

archetype graph

Storing archetypes in a graph is a fast approch to search for an archetype. Sander Mertens, the author of Flecs, explains this in depth in his blog post.

More Details


The graph below shows the time it takes to update a given number of entities, 3600 times. Every entity has two components, and as a result, a single system is performing the operations.

I benchmarked the ECS in this repository, Flecs, and EnTT.

ecs benchmark graph

Entities ecs Flecs EnTT
1 01 ms 22 ms 07 ms
2 01 ms 13 ms 09 ms
4 01 ms 34 ms 09 ms
8 01 ms 27 ms 25 ms
16 02 ms 35 ms 46 ms
32 03 ms 45 ms 84 ms
64 06 ms 56 ms 101 ms
128 09 ms 75 ms 134 ms
256 17 ms 118 ms 284 ms
512 34 ms 173 ms 561 ms
1,024 71 ms 210 ms 1,124 ms
2,048 133 ms 438 ms 2,181 ms
4,096 296 ms 864 ms 4,289 ms
8,192 586 ms 1,633 ms 8,513 ms
16,384 1,152 ms 3,279 ms 17,194 ms
32,768 2,357 ms 6,427 ms 34,019 ms
65,536 4,691 ms 12,836 ms 68,607 ms
131,072 9,990 ms 26,230 ms 137,298 ms
262,144 17,728 ms 51,824 ms 273,707 ms
524,288 37,713 ms 103,477 ms 556,364 ms

I couldn't get to benchmark over 1 million entities as EnTT crashed with the following message:

entt.hpp:8033: entt::basic_registry< <template-parameter-1-1> >::entity_type entt::basic_registry< <template-parameter-1-1> >::create() [with Entity = entt::entity; entt::basic_registry< <template-parameter-1-1> >::entity_type = entt::entity]: Assertion `to_integral(entt) < traits_type::entity_mask' failed.