
Downsampling Consistency Correction-Based Quality Enhancement for CNN-Based Light Field Image Super-Resolution (2023) by Kuo-Liang Chung and Tsung-Lun Hsieh

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Downsampling Consistency Correction-Based Quality Enhancement for CNN-Based Light Field Image Super-Resolution (2023) by Kuo-Liang Chung and Tsung-Lun Hsieh


  • Apr 6, 2023: upload the pre-trained models of our method to GoogleDrive.


A cascaded Swin Transformer-based recognizer is proposed to identify the downsampled position and downsampling scheme used in the LR testing LF image, and then the proposed Downsampling Consistency Correction (DCC)-based method is used to significantly improve the quality of the upsampled LF image.


We use the datasets which can be accessed from LF-DFnet, including EPFL, HCI, HCI_old, INRIA_Lytro and Stanford_Gantry datasets for training and testing. Please download the dataset in the official repository of LF-DFnet.


Fig. 5. For 2x LF SR, the perceptual merits of our method for D_{HR,testing} = 4:2:0(Direct). (a) The ground truth LF image, HCI-bedroom. (b) The two magnified subimages of (a). (c) LF-InterNet. (d) LF-DFnet. (e) LF-IINet. (f) DistgSSR. (g) Ours for LF-InterNet. (h) Ours for LF-DFnet. (i) Ours for LF-IINet. (j) Ours for DistgSSR.


Fig. 6. For 2x LF SR, the perceptual merits of our method for D_{HR,testing} = 4:2:0(A). (a) The ground truth LF image, Stanford Gantry-Tarot Cards S. (b) The two magnified subimages of (a). (c) LF-InterNet. (d) LF-DFnet. (e) LF-IINet. (f) DistgSSR. (g) Ours for LF-InterNet. (h) Ours for LF-DFnet. (i) Ours for LF-IINet. (j) Ours for DistgSSR.

More visual results can visit the link ./Figs/420A or ./Figs/420D.



  • Python 3.9.16
  • Pytorch 1.13.1 + torchvision 0.14.1 + cuda 11.7.1
  • Matlab


For 2x and 4x LF SR, the downsampled position and the downsampling scheme recognizers can be download from GoogleDrive
After downloading the five datasets, the recognizer is used to create the training or testing data:

  • First, set the parameters in 'DownsampleMat2png.m'
    src_dataset_for = 'training'; 
    src_dataset_for = 'test'; 
    Secordly, generate the kind of data set which you want, and then run

Prepare Training Data

  • First, set the parameters in 'Generate_Data_for_Training.m'
    patch_Sr_y = imresize(patch_Hr_y, downRatio); % bicubic down
    patch_Sr_y = convert420_A(patch_Hr_y,factor); % 420A down
    Secordly, generate the kind of data set which you want, and run

Prepare Testing Data

  • First, set the parameters in 'Generate_Data_for_Test.m'
    temp_Lr_y = convert420_A(temp_Hr_y,factor);   % 420A down
    temp_Lr_y = convert420_D(temp_Hr_y,factor);   % 420D down     
    temp_Lr_y = imresize(temp_Hr_y, downRatio);   % bicubic down
    Secordly, generate the kind of data set which you want, and run


  • Run DistgSSR
    python train.py --angRes 5 --upscale_factor 2 --model_name DistgSSR --use_pre_ckpt False --path_pre_pth [pre-trained dir] --path_for_train [path of training set] --path_for_test [path of test set] --batchsize 8 --lr 2e-4 --n_steps 15 --epoch 50
  • Run LF-IINet
    python train.py --angRes 5 --upscale_factor 2 --model_name DistgSSR --use_pre_ckpt False --path_pre_pth [pre-trained dir] --path_for_train [path of training set] --path_for_test [path of test set] --batchsize 10 --lr 2e-4 --n_steps 10 --epoch 50
  • Run LF-DFnet
    python train.py --angRes 5 --upscale_factor 2 --model_name DistgSSR --use_pre_ckpt False --path_pre_pth [pre-trained dir] --path_for_train [path of training set] --path_for_test [path of test set] --batchsize 8 --lr 2e-4 --n_steps 15 --epoch 50
  • Run LF_InterNet
    python train.py --angRes 5 --upscale_factor 2 --model_name DistgSSR --use_pre_ckpt False --path_pre_pth [pre-trained dir] --path_for_train [path of training set] --path_for_test [path of test set] --batchsize 12 --lr 5e-4 --n_steps 10 --epoch 40


  • Run
    python test.py --angRes 5 --upscale_factor 2 --model_name [model name] --use_pre_ckpt True --path_pre_pth [pre-trained dir] --path_for_train [path of training set] --path_for_test [path of test set] --path_re_pth [re-train dir] --position_recongnizer [path of position recongnizer] --scheme_recongnizer [path of scheme recongnizer] --result_dir [name of result dir]
    [model name] [pre-trained dir] [re-trained dir]
    DistgSSR ./pth/SR/bicubic/DistgSSR_2xSR_5x5.pth.tar ./pth/SR/420A/DistgSSR_5x5_2x_420A_model.pth
    LF_IINet ./pth/SR/bicubic/IINet_2xSR.pth.tar ./pth/SR/420A/LF_IINet_5x5_2x_420A_model.pth
    DFnet ./pth/SR/bicubic/DFnet_2xSR_5x5.pth ./pth/SR/420A/DFnet_5x5_2x_420A_model.pth
    LF_InterNet ./pth/SR/bicubic/InterNet_5x5_2xSR_C64.pth.tar ./pth/SR/420A/LF_InterNet_5x5_2x_420A_model.pth


Our work and implementations are inspired and based on the following projects:
We appreciate the authors for sharing their codes. Their pre-trained models with the related training parameters can be access from the above links.


Please email me if you have any questions!
Tsung-Lun Hsieh : m11015096@mail.ntust.edu.tw