
Webpack config example of polyfill and transpile needed for svelte to support IE 11

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Webpack config example of polyfill and transpile needed for svelte to support IE 11


  1. core-js
  2. regenerator-runtime
  3. custom element polyfill, for example: @webcomponents/custom-elements


  1. setup babel and babel-loader (webpack)
  2. setup babel-loader to exclude node_module but include svelte
    1. if you're using windows, the regex of path needed to be windows-style(\).
    2. The test property of babel-loader must be changed to include .mjs (/\.m?js$/) because svelte's runtime use .mjs extension.
    3. don't transpile core-js. if you transpile it, polyfill won't work.
  3. setup babel-loader to transpile svelte file. Noted in the use property svelte-loader must be after babel-loader, so that svelte-loader would execute first.