
Discover, analyze and present data from the web and mobile in meaninful ways

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


SwiftRiver is a tool that helps people curate and make sense of large amounts of data in a short amount of time. The data originates from various channels such as RSS feeds, Email, Twitter, Facebook, SMS etc

System Requirements

To run the application, the following software packages must be installed your production or development environment:

  • PHP 5.2.3 or greater
  • Apache HTTP Server 2.x
  • MySQL Database Server 5.1 or greater

Required Extensions

In addition to the software packages outlined above, the following PHP libraries MUST be installed and enabled in your PHP configuration file:

Installation of Required Extensions

This section covers the installation of the required extensions on OS X and Linux distributions only.

OS X Installation via MacPorts

Run the following commands from the terminal:

$ sudo port install php5-curl
$ sudo port install php5-mcrypt
$ sudo port install php5-mysql
$ sudo port install php5-pcntl
$ sudo port install php5-openssl
$ sudo port install php5-apc
$ sudo port install php5-gd

Restart Apache:

sudo <path-to-apachectl> restart

Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint Installation

Run the following command in Terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install php5-curl php5-mcrypt php5-mysql php5-gd

Restart Apache:

$ sudo service apache2 restart

Fedora/CentOS Installation

$ sudo yum install php5-curl php5-mcrypt php5-mysql php5-pcntl php5-openssl php5-apc php5-gd

Restart Apache:

$ sudo service httpd restart

Installing SwiftRiver

  • Download an archive of the latest code from our GitHub Repository To extract the archive on a typical Linux/Unix command line:

      unzip SwiftRiver-xxx.zip

    This will create a new SwiftRiver-xxx directory. Copy this directory to your webserver's document root or your public_html directory.

  • Create the following directories and ensure they are writable:

    application/cache application/logs

  • Create the configuration files Create a .php for each of the .php.template files in your application/config/ directory. This can be done via the command line as follows:

      cp application/config/site.php.template application/config/site.php
      cp applicaiton/config/database.php.template application/config/database.php
      cp application/config/cache.php.template application/config/cache.php
      cp application/config/auth.php.template application/config/auth.php
      cp application/config/cookie.php.template application/config/cookie.php

    Alternatively, you can run the following one-liner from the command line:

      for config in application/config/*.php.template; do cp $config application/`basename ${config} .php.template`.php; done
  • Create the database Log in to your MySQL server:

      mysql -u <username> -p

    MySQL will prompt you for the password associated with <username>. Once logged in, run the following command at the MySQL prompt to create the database that shall host the data for your SwiftRiver installation.

      create database <swiftriver-database>;

    Where <swiftriver-databasename> is the name of your SwiftRiver database. NOTE: <username> should be an account that has privileges to create a database on your MySQL server.

    Next, run the following command (also at the MySQL prompt):

      INDEX ON `<swiftriver-database>`.* TO `<swiftriver-user>`@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY `<swiftriver-user-password>`;


    • <swiftriver-database> is the name of your SwiftRiver database
    • <swiftriver-user> is the username to use when connecting to your SwiftRiver database
    • <swiftriver-user-password> is the password associated with the user account to be used for connecting to your SwiftRiver database
  • Run the schema setup script The schema setup script is located at /path/to/SwiftRiver/install/sql/swiftriver.sql.

      mysql <swiftriver-database> -u <swiftriver-user> -p < /path/to/SwiftRiver/install/sql/swiftriver.sql
  • Update the database configuration Update your database configuration file (application/config/database.php) with the values you used for the swiftriver- parameters in the preceding steps. The updated database configuration should read as follows:

      return array
      	'default' => array
      		'type'       => 'mysql',
      		'connection' => array(
      			'hostname'   => 'localhost',
      			'database'   => '<swiftriver-database>',
      			'username'   => '<swiftriver-user>',
      			'password'   => '<swiftriver-user-password>',
      			'persistent' => FALSE,
      		'table_prefix' => '',
      		'charset'      => 'utf8',
      		'caching'      => TRUE,
      		'profiling'    => TRUE,

Point your browser to the URL of your SwiftRiver installation. At the login prompt, use admin and password for the username and password respectively.

NOTE: Change the default password after the initial login

Configuring the crawler

Add the following entries to your crontab to schedule crawling every 30 minutes and post processing every 15 minutes respectively:

0,30 * * * * cd <app home>; php5 index.php --uri=crawler >> application/logs/crawl.log 2>&1
0,15,30,45 * * * * cd <app home>; php5 index.php --uri=process >> application/logs/process.log 2>&1

Configuring river maintenance

River maintenance involves checking which rivers have expired and are about to expire and sending out notifications to their owners. To schedule maintenance to run every day at midnight, add the following entries to your crontab:

* 0 * * * cd <app home>; php5 index.php --uri=maintenance >> application/logs/maintenance.log 2>&1