
A simple lasercut case for the Raspberry Pi Model B+

Raspberry Pi Model B+ Case

This is a simple acrylic lasercut case for the Raspberry Pi Model B+.


Build Instructions


green:	vector engraving
black:	raster engraving
red:	cut

Detailed instructions coming soon.


  • 3mm acryl
  • 4x M3 screws
  • 4x M3 screw nuts

Visicut color-mapping

If you use Visicut (https://github.com/t-oster/VisiCut) you can find a working color-mapping under visicut/raspberrypi-b-plus-case.xml


Creative Commons License
raspberrypi-b-plus-case by https://github.com/diy-electronics/raspberrypi-b-plus-case is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation

Based on the Adafruit Pi Box - Enclosure for Raspberry Pi Model A or B