
Deploy k3d dev environment to AWS, including:

  • creating an ec2 security group
  • creating a private key
  • creating a local .pem file
  • creating an ec2 key pair
  • creating an ec2 instance
  • creating a k3d cluster on the instance
  • installing Big Bang's flux on the k3d cluster
  • copying the cluster's kubeconfig to your local machine


Note for WSL Users: Run Terraform from the native WSL file system and not a /mnt mapped to a NTFS file system. The CHMOD on the PEM file will fail.

Shell commands used:

  • scp - to copy the remote kubeconfig to local machine
  • sed - to update the kubeconfig's server IP


  1. Check for an existing AWS profile
aws configure list-profiles
  1. If desired profile is not present, configure a profile
aws configure --profile <PROFILE_NAME>
# aws_access_key_id - The AWS access key part of your credentials
# aws_secret_access_key - The AWS secret access key part of your credentials
# region - us-gov-west-1
# output - json
  1. Set variables in variables.yaml
# example
awsProfile: default
awsUsername: first.last
instanceType: t2.2xlarge
volumeSize: 50
k3dVersion: v4.4.7
registryUsername: first.last
registryPassword: abcd1234
  1. Initialize terraform (first time only)
terraform init
  1. Create infrastructure (kubeconfig is dumped into working directory as k3d.yaml)
terraform apply
  1. Test cluster access (you should see some pods in the kube-system and flux-system namespaces)
kubectl --kubeconfig=./k3d.yaml get pods --all-namespaces


terraform destroy


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