Algorand WalletConnect Example

This repo contains examples of how to use the WalletConnect protocol to facilitate transaction signing on the Algorand blockchain. It uses the Algorand Wallet Transaction Signing API standard to format transaction signing requests.

Note the code here does not perform any safety checks. Consult the official spec to see the safety checks that must be performed.

This repo contains two parts: the server and the client.


The src/server folder contains code for the server. The server creates transactions and sends them to the client for signing. This part is analogous to a DApp.


The src/client folder contains code for the client. The client signs and returns transactions that originate from the server. This part is analogous to a wallet.

Get Started

  1. Clone this repo.

  2. Install dependencies with npm install.

  3. Run npm run server to start an instance of the server. A WalletConnect connection URI will be printed to the console.

  4. In a separate terminal, run npm run client to start an instance of the client. This will prompt you to enter the WalletConnect connection URI from the previous step.

  5. A session has now been established between the client and server. The server will then request a single transaction to be signed, the client will sign and return it, then the session will end.