3DMM ¯¯¯¯ This software is an implementation of the 3D morphable model, as defined by Volker Blanz and Thomas Vetter in "A Morphable Model For The Synthesis Of 3D Faces" (SIGGRAPH 99). Author: * Michael Muré (Multimedia Signal Processing Laboratory Ajou University - South Korea batolettre@gmail.com) This software is released under the term of the GPLv3 license. To use the code as is, you will need to ask for an access to the Basel Face Model database (http://faces.cs.unibas.ch/bfm/main.php?nav=1-1-0&id=details). As per the license of the database, I'm not allowed to redistribute it. My internship report that describe this project is available on demand. Feel free to contact me for questions or comments.
3D Morphable Model software (https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~efros/courses/AP06/Papers/Blanz-siggraph-99.pdf)