Syllable Segmentation and Cross-Lingual Generalization in a Visually Grounded, Self-Supervised Speech Model
title={Syllable Segmentation and Cross-Lingual Generalization in a Visually Grounded, Self-Supervised Speech Model},
author={Peng, Puyuan and Li, Shang-Wen and Räsänen, Okko and Mohamed, Abdelrahman and Harwath, David},
- Environment
- Apply VG-HuBERT to Syllable Level Speech Segmentation
- Speech Segmentation and Syllable Detection on SpokenCOCO
- Apply VG-HuBERT to ZeroSpeech2020
- Apply VG-HuBERT to the Estonian Conversational Corpus
- Training
It is recommended to create a new conda environment for this project with conda create -n sd python=3.9
, the requirement on python version is not rigid, as long as you can install the packages listed in ./requirements.txt
. The requirement for the versions of the packages is not rigid either, while the listed versions were tested, higher/lower versions might also work.
Then go to ./mincut
directory, and run python build_ext --inplace
which will build Cython based mincut algorithm.
If you want to get the attention weights of different attention head (which is required for all word segmentation and discovery experiments), you need to modify the output of the multi_head_attention_forward
function in the PyTorch package attorch/nn/functional
. if you install pytorch using conda in environment sd
, the path of the file should be path_to_conda/envs/sd/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/
. get to function multi_head_attention_forward
, and change the output as the following
# if need_weights:
# # average attention weights over heads
# attn_output_weights = attn_output_weights.view(bsz, num_heads, tgt_len, src_len)
# return attn_output, attn_output_weights.sum(dim=1) / num_heads
# else:
# return attn_output, None
attn_output_weights = attn_output_weights.view(bsz, num_heads, tgt_len, src_len)
return attn_output, attn_output_weights
Simply put, originally, the return of attn_output_weights
is summed over all attention heads, and we don't want to do that so that we can have the attention weights from different heads.
Note that since PyTorch 1.11, multi_head_attention_forward
accepts argument average_weights
which controls whether returning averaged attention or unaveraged attention. However, for minimal code change, we recommend ignore this argument and change the code in multi_head_attention_forward
# if need_weights:
# # optionally average attention weights over heads
# attn_output_weights = attn_output_weights.view(bsz, num_heads, tgt_len, src_len)
# if average_attn_weights:
# attn_output_weights = attn_output_weights.sum(dim=1) / num_heads
# if not is_batched:
# # squeeze the output if input was unbatched
# attn_output = attn_output.squeeze(1)
# attn_output_weights = attn_output_weights.squeeze(0)
# return attn_output, attn_output_weights
# else:
# if not is_batched:
# # squeeze the output if input was unbatched
# attn_output = attn_output.squeeze(1)
# return attn_output, None
attn_output_weights = attn_output_weights.view(bsz, num_heads, tgt_len, src_len)
return attn_output, attn_output_weights
To enable quickly applying the VG-HuBERT on speech segmentation, we provide the following standalone script. You need to provide four arguments to make it run:
. It should be the directory the.pth
are at. We open provide two checkpoints of VG-HuBERT VG-HuBERT_3 best_bundle.pth is better are syllable segmentation, snapshot_20.pth is better at word segmentation. See the paper for detailed results and discussion on the reasons. -
. The speech file you want to segment, we recommend the length of the speech to be 1 ~ 8 seconds, although in our experience the segmentation performance of VG-HuBERT is robust to the length of the input. the file should be SoundFlie Readable, i.e. .wav, .flac etc. -
is the layer from which you want to get the feature self-similarity matrix from, this is 0-based (i.e. the first transformer layer is layer 0), and we recommend layer 8,segment_method
can beminCut
, we recommend setting mergeThres to be 0.3, 0.35, or 0.4. And 0.3 works the best for English. Consider secPerSyllable to be 0.15 or 0.2 (0.2 works the best for English)
model_path = # TODO path to the folder that contains args.pkl and best_bundle.pth
wav_file = # TODO
tgt_layer = # TODO recommend 8
segment_method = # TODO minCut or minCutMerge-${mergeThres}, with mergeThres being 0.3, 0.35, or 0.4
secPerSyllable = # TODO 0.15 or 0.2
import torch, os
import soundfile as sf
from models import audio_encoder
import numpy as np
from mincut import mincut
def mincut_wrapper(audio_len_sec, feat, spf):
num_syllable = int(np.ceil(audio_len_sec / secPerSyllable))
ssm = feat@feat.transpose(1,0)
ssm = ssm - np.min(ssm) + 1e-7 # make it non-negative
seg_boundary_frame = mincut.min_cut(ssm, num_syllable+1) # +1 for the algo
seg_boundary_frame_pairs_orig = [[l,r] for l, r in zip(seg_boundary_frame[:-1], seg_boundary_frame[1:])] #
seg_boundary_frame_pairs = [item for item in seg_boundary_frame_pairs_orig if item[1]-item[0] > 2]
if len(seg_boundary_frame_pairs)==0: # this shouldn't happen though
seg_boundary_frame_pairs = seg_boundary_frame_pairs_orig
if "merge" in segment_method.lower() and len(seg_boundary_frame_pairs) >= 3:
seg_boundary_frame_pairs = seg_boundary_frame_pairs_orig
merge_thres = float(segment_method.split("-")[-1])
all_feat = [feat[round(l):round(r)].mean(0) for l,r in seg_boundary_frame_pairs]
all_sim = [,r)/(np.linalg.norm(l)*np.linalg.norm(r)) for l,r in zip(all_feat[:-1], all_feat[1:])]
min_id = np.argmax(all_sim)
while all_sim[min_id] >= merge_thres and len(seg_boundary_frame_pairs) >= 3:
l_merge, r_merge = seg_boundary_frame_pairs[min_id], seg_boundary_frame_pairs[min_id+1]
seg_boundary_frame_pairs = [pair for i, pair in enumerate(seg_boundary_frame_pairs) if i != min_id and i != min_id+1]
seg_boundary_frame_pairs.insert(min_id, [l_merge[0], r_merge[1]])
all_feat = [feat[round(l):round(r)].mean(0) for l,r in seg_boundary_frame_pairs]
all_sim = [,r)/(np.linalg.norm(l)*np.linalg.norm(r)) for l,r in zip(all_feat[:-1], all_feat[1:])]
min_id = np.argmax(all_sim)
boundaries = [[l*spf,r*spf] for l, r in seg_boundary_frame_pairs]
feat = [torch.from_numpy(feat[round(l):round(r)].mean(0)) for l,r in seg_boundary_frame_pairs]
return feat, boundaries
# setup model
with open(os.path.join(model_path, "args.pkl"), "rb") as f:
model_args = pickle.load(f)
model = audio_encoder.AudioEncoder(model_args)
bundle = torch.load(os.path.join(model_path, "best_bundle.pth"))
model.carefully_load_state_dict(bundle['dual_encoder'], load_all=True)
model = model.cuda()
# load waveform (do not layer normalize the waveform!)
audio, sr =, dtype = 'float32')
assert sr == 16000
audio_len_in_sec = len(audio) / sr
audio = torch.from_numpy(audio).unsqueeze(0).cuda() # [T] -> [1, T]
# model forward
out = model(torch.from_numpy(audio).unsqueeze(0).cuda(), padding_mask=None, mask=False, tgt_layer=layer, need_attention_weights=True, pre_feats= False)
feat = out['features'].squeeze(0)[1:].cpu().float().numpy()
spf = audio.shape[0]/sr/feat.shape[0]
pooled_feat, boundaries = mincut_wrapper(audio_len_sec=audio.shape[0]/sr, feat=feat, spf=spf)
This section illustrates how to apply the VG-HuBERT model to segment speech and detect words in SpokenCOCO. Please first download the SpokenCOCO audios and MSCOCO images following:
wget -P ${coco_root} # 64G
wget -P {coco_root}
wget -P {coco_root}
Please untar/unzip the compressed files after downloading them
Then download karpathy split json files with syllable alignment from the following link: val, test
Then you are all set, just run
# to get boundary results only, run the follow
cd ./scripts
mkdir -p logs
bash vg-hubert_3 ${sps} ${layer} mean minCutMerge-${mergeThres} 1 best 32
# to get the full results, including clustering, run the following
cd ./scripts
mkdir -p logs
bash vg-hubert_3 ${sps} ${layer} 16384 mean minCutMerge-${mergeThres} 1 best 32 1.1 0 classic 4096 cosine average -0.02
The output of the first command gives:
best_shift: -0.020000000000000018
boundary precision: 0.5735236764063061
boundary recall: 0.6357311344704828
boundary F1: 0.6030273424061868
boundary over-segmentation: 0.10846537052134986
boundary R value: 0.6428260122957377
The result is deterministic
The output of the second command gives:
any instance in data_dict that is not in data_json: {}
Took 13s to dump 360017 codes for 22031 utts
There are 4096 code clusters
AScore: 0.7479
IoU: 0.6275
IoT: 0.7792
Percentage that the segment falls within the word interval: 27.69
Average distance (in seconds) between segment center and word center: 0.0449
Percentage that word centers fall into the code segment: 93.44%
code coverage (average over all *words*): 0.9253
code coverage (average over all *word types*): 0.9679
coverage per sentence: 0.9124
boundary precision: 0.5737
boundary recall: 0.6359
boundary F1: 0.6032
boundary over-segmentation: 0.1085
boundary R value: 0.6430
purity: 0.4582
902 / 2498 words with an F1 score >= 0.5
889 / 3519 codes with an F1 score >= 0.5
2002 / 3519 codes with an precision score >= 0.5
1041 / 3519 codes with an recall score >= 0.5
avg F1 = 94.70% for top 250 words; 38.91% for all 2482 words
good words/total words: 55216/137772 -> 0.40077809714600937
good codes/total codes: 55580/203106 -> 0.27365021220446467
..."a big table on discovered syllables"...
Since we use FAISS batched kmeans, and sklearn agglomerative cluster, there are minor randomness, the boundary and area numbers are deterministic as before, but clustering related results should vary by 2~3% with different machines and random seeds
First follow the ZeroSpeech 2020 section on the ZeroSpeech website to download the data and ground truth labels (remember to also download and unzip
). This should be free and easy, like the rest of the steps :). Suppose you have put the 2020
folder at /zs20/
Then install zerospeech 2020 evaluation toolkit following this official repo. Assume you have clone the repo at ~/zerospeech2020
Now you should be ready to test the models on this task. similarly, change the model_root
and data_root
in ./scripts/
to the parent folder of your model folder and data folder (for data_root, is should be /zs20
if you follow the above)
Then run
cd ./scripts
bash vg-hubert_3 9 16384 max clsAttn 1 20 mandarin 10000
bash vg-hubert_3 9 16384 max clsAttn 1 20 english 10000
bash vg-hubert_3 9 16384 max clsAttn 1 20 french 10000
bash vg-hubert_3 9 16384 max clsAttn 1 20 LANG1 10000
bash vg-hubert_3 9 16384 max clsAttn 1 20 LANG2 10000
We can only have results for Mandarin, English and French, as the other two needs to get by submitting the prediction to the official challenge website
"2017-track2": {
"mandarin": {
"scores": {
"ned": 0.7021258523047275,
"coverage": 1.0,
"words": 12591
"details": {
"boundary_precision": 0.5112769366913014,
"boundary_recall": 0.8604145703360837,
"boundary_fscore": 0.6414126260201632,
"grouping_precision": 0.13535751535519844,
"grouping_recall": 0.1363928300344477,
"grouping_fscore": 0.1358732005234841,
"token_precision": 0.17021116138763198,
"type_precision": 0.14820109602096737,
"token_recall": 0.2280258638108709,
"type_recall": 0.21034832600608724,
"token_fscore": 0.1949218412643579,
"type_fscore": 0.173888733575622,
"words": 12591,
"coverage": 1.0,
"ned": 0.7021258523047275,
"pairs": 17051
"2017-track2": {
"english": {
"scores": {
"ned": 0.3913583129473666,
"coverage": 0.9991355816758402,
"words": 87552
"details": {
"boundary_precision": 0.5695428258401303,
"boundary_recall": 0.6786049022198433,
"boundary_fscore": 0.6193089887524657,
"grouping_precision": "NA",
"grouping_recall": "NA",
"grouping_fscore": "NA",
"token_precision": 0.2623088570078605,
"type_precision": 0.08831323099415204,
"token_recall": 0.2705930898496782,
"type_recall": 0.3676302776721187,
"token_fscore": 0.2663865821142113,
"type_fscore": 0.14241508877919398,
"words": 87552,
"coverage": 0.9991355816758402,
"ned": 0.3913583129473666,
"pairs": 6694523
"2017-track2": {
"french": {
"scores": {
"ned": 0.5952500126237648,
"coverage": 0.9996943971952165,
"words": 61661
"details": {
"boundary_precision": 0.4778421844809358,
"boundary_recall": 0.6665964348896938,
"boundary_fscore": 0.5566535264076737,
"grouping_precision": 0.44937768743958295,
"grouping_recall": 0.5448100923979342,
"grouping_fscore": 0.49251359628568697,
"token_precision": 0.14581803473746627,
"type_precision": 0.0612704951265792,
"token_recall": 0.16616399369943438,
"type_recall": 0.17383702204021534,
"token_fscore": 0.1553275816993464,
"type_fscore": 0.09060603880375087,
"words": 61661,
"coverage": 0.9996943971952165,
"ned": 0.5952500126237648,
"pairs": 2904453
Please first obtain a signed agreement following the official corpus website
After that please download the data following instructions on the same website, and unzip and put the data in /path/to/wav
. Contact me with the agreement and I'll send you the validation split, and preprocessed testing data. Please put the valid split at /path/to/valid_pkl
and the testing data at /path/to/test/data
. Change the corresponding path in scripts/
To get the testing rest in the paper, run
cd ./scripts
bash vg-hubert_3 ${sps} ${layer} mean minCutMerge-${mergeThres} 1 best 32 estonian
results are the following
shift: -0.01500000000000002
prec: 0.7748138039886228
rec: 0.7992825766184427
os: 0.03158019707942539
f1: 0.7868580110866227
R val: 0.816277090533229
To train a VG-HuBERT model, check out the codebase for the word discovery with VG-HuBERT paper