
Proton is a simple, "code-less" engine for xml/xhtml templates. Code-less, because it uses 3 types of ID (attribute) in a template file, rather than snippets of code — this moves the complexity out of the template and into the application.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Proton is a simple, "code-less" engine for xml/xhtml templates. Code-less, because it uses 3 types of ID (attribute) in a template file, rather than snippets of code — this moves the complexity out of the template and into the application.

A simple Proton template looks like this:

        <title eid="title">PAGE TITLE</title>
        <h1 eid="title">PAGE TITLE</h1>

        <p><a eid="link" aid="link" href="">LINK ITEM</a></p>

            <li rid="list-item" eid="list-item">LIST ITEMS</li>

And to render this template in Python, you might do something like this:

from proton import template
tmp = template.get_template('test.xhtml')

tmp.set_value('title', 'An Xhtml Page', '*')
tmp.set_value('link', 'This is a link to Google')
tmp.set_attribute('link', 'href', 'http://www.google.com')

tmp.repeat('list-item', 5)
for x in range(0, 5):
    tmp.set_value('list-item', 'test%s' % x, x)


Resulting in the following output:

        <title>An Xhtml Page</title>
        <h1>An Xhtml Page</h1>

        <p><a href="http://www.google.com">This is a link to Google</a></p>


Similarly in Haskell, you could do the following:

tmps <- loadTemplates "templates"
tmp <- getTemplate tmps "templates/test.xhtml"
tmp <- setElementValue tmp "title" "An Xhtml Page" 0
tmp <- setElementValue tmp "link" "This is a link to Google" 0
tmp <- setAttributeValue tmp "link" "href" "http://www.google.com" 0
tmp <- setElementValues tmp "list-item" (map (\x -> "test" ++ (show x)) [0..4])

s <- renderTemplate tmp