
An application that allows any Spotify Premium user to easily playback from multiple playlists without having to manage their queue. This application was developed without the use of any backend such as Node.js, making it easily portable. Authentication was achieved through Spotify's implicit grant flow, outlined on their API documentation.

This web application can be accessed at my AWS EC2 server:


Spotify scopes used:

  • user-read-playback-state:
    • Needed to see currently playing track.
  • playlist-read-collaborative:
    • Needed to get list of user's playlists.
  • user-read-private
    • needed to check user's Spotify subscription, as the app only works with Spotify Premium subscribers.
  • user-read-email
    • needed for Web Player SDK (they use it to check premium subscription)
  • user-modify-playback-state
    • needed to start/resume playback