Transfer Learning Demo code
This package is companion code for my presentation on convolutional neural networks, downloadable here:
The package can be installed on your system using pip:
pip install -U git+
Visualising network activations
python3 -m TransferLearningDemo.demos.vgg_19_activate_filters <conv_block> <conv_layer> <filter_index>
To visualise the second filter of the first convolutional layer of the fifth block, run:
python3 -m TransferLearningDemo.demos.vgg_19_activate_filters 5 1 1
Remember that filter numbers are indexed from zero, whereas the convolutional layers are indexed from one.
Training a retinal haemorrhage detection model
Train using:
python3 -m TransferLearningDemo.demos.vgg_19_retrain_fc train
Evaluate using:
python3 -m TransferLearningDemo.demos.vgg_19_retrain_fc evaluate
Predict image(s) using:
python3 -m TransferLearningDemo.demos.vgg_19_retrain_fc predict <image_name>
Add multiple files for more than one prediction.
Neural style transfer
To run using the default style and content images:
python3 -m TransferLearningDemo.demos.vgg_19_style_transfer
To run using your own (jpeg only):
python3 -m TransferLearningDemo.demos.vgg_19_style_transfer <style_image> <content_image>