
A very much work-in-progress driver / library for talking to ElasticSearch in Ruby.

Primary LanguageRuby

Very much a WIP. Quick run down on how to use currently.

1. Configuration

  ElasticSearch.configure do |config|
    config.host =
    config.port =
    config.debug = (true | false)

    # Supports background indexing
    config.job_queue = ElasticSearch::DeferTo::Resque.new(:search)

2. Define type mapping

These blocks tell the library how to convert from an ES document to your model.
I plan on making this logic built into the library

  ElasticSearch.define_type_convert "type-name" do |id|
    Model.find(id) # e.g. with ActiveRecord

3. Define model indexing

See lib/elastic_search/model for details on what goes in elastic_search block (Field class)

  class YourModel
    include ElasticSearch::Model

    elastic_search "index_name" do
      field :attribute

      field :processed_attribute do |model|

      field :typed_attribute, :boolean


4. Index your models

  # Directly

  # Defer it to the background queue
  ElasticSearch.defer(:index, your_model)

5. Search

Still very bare bones right now. Supports pagination, query, filters, and sorting
See elastic_search/query for more information.
See elastic_search/results. Results, if mapping above is set up correctly, will automatically
convert to the appropriate type.

  es_query = ElasticSearch::Query.new
  es_query.query = "some search term"
  es_query.filter_on :attribute => "value"
  es_query.ass_sort_by :processed_attribute, "desc"

  results = ElasticSearch.search "/index/type", es_query

6. Update model index

  # Delete from ES

  # Update a record that's already in ES, just index it again

7. Send a raw request to ElasticSearch (for things that aren't implemented yet)

This will return the raw JSON from ElasticSearch parsed into a Hash. Does not run through
any type conversions.

  ElasticSearch.execute(:get, "/some/path", request_body)

For example, to configure an index you can do the following:

  body = {
    :mappings => {
      :properties => {
        :column_name => {
          :type => "string", :index => "analyzed", :analyzer => "keyword"

  ElasticSearch.execute(:post, "/my-index", MultiJson.encode(body))