
igs problem

Closed this issue · 1 comments


using release tarball 1.011
this one is related to issue #16

igs is used in ls_bsr.py
igs is used in tools/extract_core_genome.py


c467b007697e LS_BSR-1.011]$ find . -type f | xargs grep igs   
./tools/extract_core_genome.py:    from igs.utils import functional as func
./tools/extract_core_genome.py:    from igs.utils import logging
./tools/extract_core_genome.py:    from igs.threading import functional as p_func
./ls_bsr.py:import igs_logging as logging

igs is missing from the archive, adding igs to the pythonpath, breaks the import

LS-BSR igs_igs_logging is the exact same file as igs/utils/logging.py

either set a dependency to igs in order to have it installed and in the PYTHONPATH of the user
and in this cas in lsbsr use import igs.utils.logging instead of hte embeded igs_logging one.

either embed the necessary igs files as it is done for ig_logging

I prefer the 1st option.



Thanks for pointing this out. I now have removed all igs requirements in the extract core genome script. The igs_logging should work ok as it is importing a python file. Please give it a try and let me know if you are still running into problems.