- 1
Doesn't always compile css when file changes
#193 opened by samuel-clara - 3
Unusable after installing Brackets 1.11
#203 opened by ben4d85 - 0
I have issues importing my scss partial
#210 opened by Ndeta100 - 8
keep comments and compress css
#176 opened by seyyed-sina - 2
Clean up error on bracket 1.13
#208 opened by Humphrzy - 0
Like YouTube video, live preview?
#209 opened by Taariqq - 1
SASS Pass parameters.
#196 opened by flaviusemil - 1
- 3
- 3
Version 2.0.5 not working
#202 opened by KhaledAhmedYounes - 0
- 3
- 11
not working
#197 opened by AmitMDesign - 15
Cleanup error when i update brackets v 1.9
#190 opened by jedeveraa - 0
Compiler status icon disappeared
#207 opened by jyoonsong - 0
Compiler does not recognize css-grid [col-start]
#206 opened by stefcr - 2
Remove Comments Prefrence
#167 opened by ivoilic - 0
includePaths not working
#204 opened by Chadwickd - 0
Compiling gets stuck
#201 opened by sorre97 - 50
- 2
- 0
Problem with bracket SASS and XAMPP
#198 opened by mati080 - 0
- 1
`libsass` bindings not found.
#195 opened by zkelo - 0
Imports not distributing to eachother (undefined variable, no mixin named…)
#194 opened by chriskirknielsen - 0
Beginner problems : outputDir and sourceMap
#192 opened by VincentDomo - 0
Quick Edit only works for index.html
#191 opened by joakimc - 2
.brackets.json and SASS not working
#188 opened by touhid-rahman - 0
Live Preview not working for nested class names (BEM CSS) when preceded by nested property
#189 opened by joakimc - 5
Needs to display errors
#186 opened - 6
Compilation not working when partial are modified
#161 opened by lakshmana - 3
- 2
Have to save twice with _Partials.
#174 opened by trinity-soft - 0
Modify Nested output
#187 opened by nathan30 - 0
- 5
brackets crashes after updating the latest sass
#185 opened by dieppham222 - 1
Update Plugin
#181 opened by jedeveraa - 5
dlopen, cleanup error
#166 opened by prejr-dev - 0
brackets-electron compatibility?
#179 opened by akuzia - 1
change the compiled css to be CLRF or LF
#173 opened by trinity-soft - 0
Open minified file problem
#178 opened - 0
Brackets Sass & Brackets Synapse
#175 opened by geodem - 4
doesn't load changed settings
#172 opened by mwareslicer - 1
- 2
update to new sass-version
#162 opened by sergej2705 - 0
not compiling when copy and pasting code
#168 opened by pixelcommerce - 3
@import watch for changes
#165 opened - 0
Globbing @import calls
#164 opened by VonKrauss - 0
Compiling things I dont want it to?
#163 opened by jaymanser1999 - 1
Max connection attempts reached
#160 opened by shawnCaza