
JavaScript library npm package template

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JavaScript NPM Package

Scaffold JavaScript npm packages using this template to bootstrap your next library.

This boilerplate supports generating TypeScript declarations (d.ts) for compatibility with TypeScript projects by using JSDoc comments for types.

Project includes:

Versions of this template:

Getting Started

Begin via any of the following:

  • Press the "Use this template" button

  • Use degit to execute:

    degit github:jasonsturges/npm-package-boilerplate
  • Use GitHub CLI to execute:

    gh repo create <name> --template="https://github.com/jasonsturges/npm-package-boilerplate"
  • Simply git clone, delete the existing .git folder, and then:

    git init
    git add -A
    git commit -m "Initial commit"

Remember to use npm search <term> to avoid naming conflicts in the NPM Registery for your new package name.


The following tasks are available for npm run:

  • dev: Run Rollup in watch mode to detect changes to files during development
  • build: Run Rollup to build a production release distributable
  • build:types: Run Microsoft API Extractor to rollup a types declaration (d.ts) file
  • docs:jsdoc: JSDoc generated documentation in the "docs/" folder
  • docs:typedoc: TypeDoc for TSDoc generated documentation in the "docs/" folder
  • clean: Remove all build artifacts


While test driven development (TDD) would be a good approach to develop your library, also consider creating an app for prototyping and local testing of your library.

To test within the library, consider using Storybook. This approach runs a storybook script to load local source files for development.

Otherwise, follow these steps to test the package from another project:

From your library project, issue the npm link (or yarn link) command:

npm link

Start Rollup in watch mode:

npm run dev

Create a test app project, by doing the following:

To use your npm package library locally for development, create a new project in a separate folder:

mkdir test-app && cd test-app
npm init

Take the defaults from npm init

In the package.json of your test app, add the following two things:

  • Set the type of your package to module
  • Add a start script to execute your app
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
  "start": "node index.js",

Link to your library using the npm link <name> (or yarn link <name>) command - be sure the <name> matches your library's package.json name. For example:

npm link npm-package-boilerplate

Now, run your app via npm start.

As an example, if your library's "index.ts" file contained:

export const sayHi = () => {

...your test app would implement an import using your package name, such as:

import { sayHi } from "npm-package-boilerplate";


Development Cleanup

Once development completes, unlink both your library and test app projects.

From your test app project, unlink the library using npm unlink <name> (or yarn unlink <name>) command:

npm unlink npm-package-boilerplate

From your library project, issue the npm unlink (or yarn unlink) command:

npm unlink

Release Publishing

Update your package.json to next version number, and remember to tag a release.

Once ready to submit your package to the NPM Registry, execute the following tasks via npm (or yarn):

  • npm run clean — Assure a clean build
  • npm run build — Build the JavaScript package
  • npm run build:types — Build API Extractor (d.ts declarations) for TypeScript compatibility

Assure the proper npm login:

npm login

Submit your package to the registry:

npm publish --access public