
This is an updates page and an example repository for the GraphQL SQL database service package graphql-w-persistent.

Primary LanguageHTML

Looking for employment in the software space. I have experience with different disciplines, but it is hard to say I have much experience any one tech stack. I have experience with ReactJS, Python, Java, TypeScript, C#, C++, iOS Swift, and React Native (and AWS and build tools and continuous development or integrations tools like GitHub Actions).


An efficient application of GraphQL to SQL database querying and processing data: translate GraphQL to SQL & RDMS tuples to GraphQL nested objects, tranlate sparsely connected SQL schemas to fully-connected entity-relationship mapping, give GraphQL abstraction features to your query language like entity hierarchy

  • for your desktop applications or cloud native applications
  • for data exploration
  • for data aggregations

Hackage Hackage CI Hackage-Deps Gitter

News Posts

2020-09-17 - In version, I fixed a problem in getting all the data from a nested query with the aggregate functions. I now merge redundant nested objects, and I added improvements for efficiency.

2020-05-31 - Version is fixing several more things. Null values are now supported; table are now supported to appear more than once in joins; data types are simplified for .json file support; alternative json aggregate SQL query functions are now supported for faster queries; error is fixed from version for more than two nested objects; inline fragments were not working in version, but it is now working; and removed a requirement for "Unexpected nulls" for null values which is making easy compliance with other databases packages and types.

2019-12-28 - Version is fixing the exceptions in Version is reducing queried data by making separate queries for every object and by reading previously queried data for parent objects. In contrast to this space-saving, data processing is slower. Thus, is available if data is not many.

2019-12-21 - Here is a companion web application to help in making your schema json file.

2019-11-16 (Edit: 2019-11-21) - Release 7.0.0 is fixing bugs around using commas or tabs after root objects, and I have changed the schema input to allow custom unique id columns when defining database tables. This package is now more flexible to the input schema of your database. You can use your own primary keys or unique ids for more objects to declare. Another change is declaring server objects with object fields. In this way, you can have objects with separate references against other objects - there isn't a collision (and restriction) on what field names are availble in queries.

2019-08-31 - Release 6.0.0 is correcting bugs of parent object arguments and of processing parental data. I also reduce the computations to the previous code. I also add arguments feature to scalar types. Will you please leave a star if I have helped? - thanks.

2019-08-10 - Version 5.0.0 is published where I've fixed two bugs with subsequent nested objects and with query syntax. I'm sorry that this isn't on the earlier versions. I've added metafields feature and upgraded the SQL joins to maximize data retrieval...please don't forego giving me a star on GitHub, vote on Hackage, and/or claps on my Medium post - thanks!

2019-07-21 - Here's my Medium article to describe the combination of this package with AWS Lambda to have a language agnostic integration of a GraphQL database.

Older news posts are found on this page.

Latest Recommended Version,


Here's a check-list from the official documentation...

Feature Present Comments
argument to root (and nested) objects ✔️ (
data transformation arguments on scalar fields ✔️
aliases ✔️
named fragments ✔️ (within variables is not supported until
operation names
variables (default value and required/not) ✔️ (multiple variables is not supported until
directives ✔️
mutations 💭
inline fragments ✔️
meta fields ✔️
non-null and non-null errors (on data types and arguments)
interfaces to type heirarchy ✔️
input types 💭
introspection 💭
authorization moderated fields and null types (authorization layer before GraphQL)
pagination for long lists (as transformations)
server-defined fields (like counts/previews from the thinking in graphs page) and user-designed schema
business logic layer

Web application

A web application is hosted to help make a schema. To see one of the features of this GraphQL interface, an example schema example-schema.json is saved in the examples folder. Once imported into application, a diagram is drawn to visualize the connections between objects. App link is here - check it out for fully-connected schemas!


There is five examples. One is an to open a web server. This is in the examples/server-example folder. You can run it by downloading project folder and following the instructions in the README.md file. Two examples are applying the GraphQL middleware to a pre-existing MySQL or Postgresql database. The other two are putting these onto AWS for cloud solutions. Instructions are in the README.md file to make AWS Lambda functions, but you can read more on my Medium article. Lastly, I'd like a star and claps.


  1. make sure that you have Stack program and compilers.

  2. download one project folder from the examples folder

  3. follow instructions from those README.md files to run example project


Here are example queries to run with the schema in server-example:

example 1
query Example1($withOwner: Boolean) {
  AllPets: pet {
    gender(as: MALEFEMALE)
    owner @include(if: $withOwner) {
      gender(as: MALEFEMALE)
  AllPeople: person {

with variable

{ "withOwner": false }
example 2
query Example2($asTaxonomy: Boolean = false, $withGender: Boolean = true) {
  AllPets: pet {
    gender(as: MALEFEMALE) @include(if: $withGender)
    taxonomy @include(if: $asTaxonomy) {
    family @skip(if: $asTaxonomy) {
    genus @skip(if: $asTaxonomy) {
    species @skip(if: $asTaxonomy) {
    breed @skip(if: $asTaxonomy) {
example 3
query Example3 ($withOwner: Boolean = false) {
  MalePets: pet (gender: 1) {
  FemalePets: pet (gender: 0) {

fragment petFields on Pet {
  @include(if: $withOwner) {
example 4
query Example4 {
  taxonomy {
    ... on Species {
      pet {