
Sonos Command Line Interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This NPM package provides CLI playback control for those who exclusively or primarily use Sonos with Spotify. It enables you to search artists, albums and tracks on Spotify, queue them and do some basic playback control. If you have not done so, you will first need to configure your Spotify account from within the Sonos app.

Install with NPM: npm install sonos_cli -g.

  sonos [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

  -p, --play               Play whichever track is currently queued
  -u, --pause              Pause playback
  -s, --search      STRING Search an artist in Spotifys collection
  -a, --addandplay  STRING Add a track or an album by spotify URI and play it
  -m, --mute               Mute
  -u, --unmute             Unmute
  -b, --browse             Browse the list of enqueued tracks
  -n, --next               Plays the next track in the queue
  -r, --previous           Plays the previous track in the queue
  -c, --current            Shows the track currently playing
  -d, --device      STRING Connects to the device at the provided IP
  -h, --help               Display help and usage details