
An RoR Helper for iBox ( http://labs.ibegin.com/ibox )

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple iBox Helper see http://gamma.ibegin.com/ibox/

Current iBox Version: 2.0.0


On your layout file just add this before the <head> tag closes.

<%= ibox_head %>

To Skin your ibox, yes it's skinnable edit public/ibox/skinname/skinname.css to your liking and place this on your environment file.

# put this on your environment.rb file
IBOX_SKIN = :darkbox

Syntax is similar to the current rails link_to helper except that it accepts another Hash on the end wherein you place your ibox attributes like width, height, target and others. I suggest that you look up the iBox documentation for more info.

# this creates a usual ibox link from a url
= link_to_ibox "Name", some_path

# this creates an automatic ibox link an image
= link_to_ibox image_tag('your_image.png'), some_path

# this creates an ibox link for an internal element (id), currently supports '#' selector at the moment
= link_to_ibox "From an Internal Element", "#internal_div"
# this creates an ibox link with a 300 height and 250 width in pixels
= link_to_ibox "Name", some_path, {}, {:height => '300', :width => '250'} 


- upgrade to the latest ibox