
Some demos integrating a Raspberry Pi w/ a GrovePi to the AWS IoT Services

Primary LanguagePython


This Workshop has two sample apps meant to be run on a Raspberry Pi with a GrovePi+ (https://www.dexterindustries.com/grovepi/) using the following add-on modules:

  • Button
  • LED
  • Temperature / Humidity Sensor
  • LCD Screen

These apps integrate the Pi with the AWS IoT Service via MQTT and the Shadow. Once the data is in S3 we do some analytics with our serverless Data Lake services.


Step 1 - Add our Thing to the IoT Core Service

  1. Choose the Sydney Region in the upper right of the AWS Console
  2. Open the IoT Core Service
  3. On the left-hand side choose Manage -> Things
  4. Click the Register a thing button
  5. Click the Create a single thing button
  6. Enter username-grovepi for the thing's name where username is your unique username then click Next
  7. Click the Create certificate button to the right of One-click certificate creation
  8. Click the Download links next to all three certificates generated for the new Thing
  9. Click Done

Step 2 - Add a Policy to the new Certificate and Activate Access

  1. On the left-hand side go to Secure -> Policies
  2. Click the Create a policy button
  3. Enter grovepi for the policy's name
  4. Enter iot:* for the Action
  5. Enter * for the Resource
  6. Tick Allow and then click Create
  7. On the left-hand side go to Manage -> Things and click on grovepi
  8. On the left-hand side go to Security
  9. On the left-hand side go to Policies
  10. Click Actions in the upper right corner and choose Attach policy
  11. Tick the grovepi Policy and then click Attach
  12. Click Actions in the upper right corner and choose Activate
  13. Click the Activate button

At this stage we now have everything ready to go in the Cloud. Now we'll set up our IoT Device.

Step 3 - Set up our Rasperry Pi + GrovePI device

  1. Open a Terminal (should default to /home/pi folder)
  2. Clone the GitHub repo with the command git clone https://github.com/jasonumiker/aws-iot-grovepi.git
  3. Run the command cd aws-iot-grovepi
  4. Run the command ./download_root_ca.sh to download the root-CA.crt file
  5. Put the three certificate files downloaded from the Thing creation into this folder
  6. Connect the Button to D8
  7. Connect the LED to D3
  8. Connect the Temperature and Humidity Sensor to D7
  9. Connect the LCD screen to any of the I2C ports

Step 4 - button_light_shadow.py Example

This example illustrates IoT Core's shadow feature.

  1. Edit button_light_shadow.py and update the following variables near the top:
    1. crt to xxxxxxxxxx-certificate.pem.crt
    2. key to xxxxxxxxxx-private.pem.key
    3. iot_endpoint to the Endpoint listed under Settings on the left-hand side of the IoT Core Console
  2. Run ./button_light_shadow.py
  3. Try clicking the button and watching the LED change
  4. Go to Manage then Things on the left-hand side of the IoT Core Console
  5. Click on the grovepi Thing
  6. Click Shadow on the left-hand side
  7. Click the button and watch the Shadow document change
  8. Click the Edit link in the upper right of the Shadow document
  9. Change the document's Desired to 1 if it's 0 or 0 if it's 1 and Save
  10. Note the split-second Delta field that is added to the document to identify that there is a delta between the desired state in the cloud and the actual state on the device. The device subscribes to deltas and will change to match within a few seconds.

The shadow allows you to manage IoT Things that have inconsistent network connectivity by setting the Desired state in the cloud - the device will reconcile with that state when it reconnects to the network. It also lets you see the current Actual state of devices in the field if they are reporting back properly.

If you want to allow for local non-Cloud logic and processing for Things in areas where the network connectivity is unreliable or there is a large fleet of Things and them all reaching out to the Cloud is inefficient AWS Greengrass can help. It allows local on-site shadows and Lambdas to process the data and perhaps only send the relevant subset or aggregations back up to the Cloud.

Step 5 - tandh.py Example

This example illustrates one of the most common use-cases - IoT Sensors sending data back for analytics in the Cloud.

  1. Edit tandh.py and update the following variables near the top:
    1. crt to xxxxxxxxxx-certificate.pem.crt
    2. key to xxxxxxxxxx-private.pem.key
    3. iot_endpoint to the Endpoint listed under Settings on the left-hand side of the IoT Core Console
  2. Run ./tandh.py
  3. Note that the Temperature and Humidity values are displayed on the LCD
  4. See that they are also sent to the IoT service via MQTT:
    1. Go to Test on the left-hand side of the Iot Core Service Console
    2. Under Subscription topic type tandh and click Subscribe to topic
    3. Note that every few seconds the Thing is sending data to the Cloud about the Temperature and Humidity

Step 6 - Rule to store incoming TanH raw data from MQTT in an S3 bucket

This example illustrates how the IoT Core's Rules work as well as how to collect IoT data into a Data Lake in S3.

  1. Go to the S3 Console and click + Create bucket
  2. For bucket name use username-tandh-raw e.g. jumiker-tandh-raw (this name needs to be globally unique)
  3. Click Create
  4. Go to the IoT Core Console
  5. On the left-hand side go to Act then click Create rule
  6. Enter tandh_datalake_raw for the Name
  7. Enter * for the Attribute
  8. Enter tandh for the Topic filter
  9. Click Add action button
  10. Click Store messages in an Amazon S3 bucket and then the Configure action button
  11. Select the new S3 bucket from the S3 bucket drop-down
  12. Enter ${timestamp()} for the Key
  13. Click Create a new role
  14. Enter tandh-datalake-raw-rule for the IAM role name and then click the Create a new role button
  15. Choose the new role from the drop-down and then click the Add action button
  16. Click the Create rule button

Step 7 - Analyse the raw data in Athena

This example shows how to analyse the data in S3 without needing to load it into a database or Elasticsearch first.

  1. Go to the Glue Console and choose Crawlers on the left-hand side
  2. Click the Add crawler button
  3. Enter username-tandh for the Crawler name and click Next
  4. Click the folder icon to the right of the Include path and choose the tandh bucket then click Select
  5. Click Next and Next again
  6. Leave the default option to Create an IAM role and enter tandh for the IAM role name then click Next
  7. Leave the default Frequency of Run on demand and click Next
  8. Click Add database, enter username-tandh for the name, and click Create
  9. Click Next and then Finish
  10. Do an initial run of the new Crawler
  11. After that succeeds go to the Athena service in the Console
  12. Choose the new username-tandh database in the dropdown
  13. Note the table name on the left-hand side which should correspond to the bucket name
  14. Run a query like SELECT * from username_tandh_raw; substituting in your own table name.
  15. (Optional) Try other SQL queries and aggregations

Step 8 - (Only needed once per account) Set up the QuickSight Service

  1. Go to the QuickSight Console ensuring you select N. Virginia for the region
  2. Click the User icon in the upper-right and choose Manage QuickSight
  3. Choose Account Settings on the left-hand side
  4. Click the Edit AWS permissions button
  5. Tick Athena and S3 and then click the Choose S3 buckets link and choose the tandh_raw bucket
  6. Click the Apply button and then change the region back to Sydney

Step 9 - Visualise the data in QuickSight

This example shows how we can visualise the SQL queries that we are making against the data in S3 via Athena.

  1. Click the Manage data button in the upper-right
  2. Click the New data set button in the upper-left
  3. Click on Athena
  4. Enter username-tandh for the Data source name substituting your own name or username
  5. Click on the Create data source button
  6. Pick your new Database and Table from the dropdowns then click the Select button
  7. Tick Directly query your data then click the Visualize button
  8. In the Fields list click Timestamp then Temperature then Humidity
  9. Under Visual types click the Line chart

(Optional) Step 10 - Play around with the SDKs and other GrovePi sensors/devices

  1. There is a number of SDKs for the other sensors/devices in the box in the /home/pi/Dexter/GrovePi/Software/ folder.
    1. The Python one seems to be the most fully-formed
  2. And to integrate these things with the cloud our IoT SDKs are here - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-sdks.html
  3. We'll reset the SD Card after the workshop so feel free to download and do whatever you like on the device for the rest of the session