
Uber RIBs Kotlin code generator for Android Studio

Primary LanguageJava


Uber RIBs Kotlin code generator for Android Studio

Original Java code generator from Uber can be viewed on this link.



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  1. Clone this repo
  2. Download, install, and run IDEA CE
  3. File -> Open...
  4. Select your local repo folder
  5. Make appropriate changes to resources/template/kotlin
  6. Build -> Prepare Plugin Module 'rib-intellij-plugin' For Deployment
  7. You now have a JAR in your repo folder you can test with (see below)
  8. Move the JAR to deploy folder once you're satisfied before sending the PR


  1. Generate the JAR using above steps
  2. Open Android Studio
  3. Go to Preferences (⌘ + ,) -> Plugins
  4. Click Install plugin from disk...
  5. Select your JAR
  6. Restart Android studio via convenient button inside Preferences
  7. In a source package, create a New -> New RIB...
  8. Build the code to ensure no compile errors