
A repository for getting started with Ansible AWX

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A repository for getting started with Ansible AWX


Ansible AWX

An open source community project, sponsored by Red Hat, that enables users to control their Ansible project use in IT environments better.


This project requires the following software:


This project intends to provide strategies for deploying Ansible AWX. The following sections define how to configure and deploy Ansible AWX in either a local environment or a production environment.


The root of this repository contains a Vagrantfile which creates a virtual machine using Vagrant developed by HashiCorp. Currently, the Vagrant box only supports installing Ansible AWX using the Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) operating system.

To deploy a local Ansible AWX server, invoke the following command:

$ vagrant up

If the command exits with a zero status code, then an Ansible AWX is running and can be accessed in a web browser by visiting http://localhost:8080/#/login.

Note: If the web page returns an ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE message, please be patient, as the service may still be starting. If the service fails to start, please refer to the troubleshooting section.

After rendering the web page, authenticate by using admin for the username and password for the password.

Figure 1 Login Page Figure 2 Dashboard Page


The production environment uses a combination of Packer and Terraform, both developed by HashiCorp.


The problem with troubleshooting is that trouble shoots back - Unknown Author

If the awx service fails to start, then checking the logs may yield some useful information. The awx service is a systemd managed service, and its logs are queryable using journalctl.

If using Vagrant, connect to the virtual machine using SSH:

$ vagrant ssh

Once connected to the virtual machine, invoke the following commands:

To check the status of the awx service:

$ sudo systemctl status awx

To check the logs of the awx service:

$ sudo journalctl -xeu awx


This project uses Ansible Molecule to test the awx role. Testing the awx role requires the following dependencies:

After installing the required pip dependencies, visit the awx directory and invoke the following command:

$ molecule test


To contribute to this repository, invoke the following commands:

$ git clone git@github.com:jasonwalsh/awx-poc.git
$ make init

Continuous Integration

This project uses Travis CI for testing. The .travis.yml file contains scripts executed per build.


MIT © Jason Walsh