
Python Script that scans a folder for archives and video files. Extracts archives, moves video files and cleans up the waste.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Media Cowboy

Tested on OS X, but should work anywhere python 2.7 is installed.

What is It?

A python script that:

  • Removes completed torrents from Transmission.
  • Scans a download folder for archives and video files.
    • Extracts archives
    • Moves archive files to Trash
    • Moves video files to a TV or Movies folder depending on filename.
    • Moves folders to Trash if a video file was moved.

Use it

  1. clone the repo
  2. create a virtual environment virtualenv --no-site-packages env
  3. source env/bin/activate
  4. pip install -r requirements.pip
  5. copy local_settings.template.py to local_settings.py
  6. provide values for all properties in local_settings.py
  7. execute ./runner.py
  8. add runner.py to a cron job to run periodically.


  1. clone the repo
  2. copy local_settings.template.py to local_settings.py
  3. provide values for all properties in local_settings.py from the context of /media within the docker container
  4. switch to the repo directory from terminal
  5. Build the docker image docker build -t media-organizer .
  6. Run the command docker run --rm -v /volume1/media/:/media media-organizer
  • correctly specify a path to a media folder where all directories referenced in local_settings.py can be found