Copy the training set all into one folder.
python preprocess/imagenet/
And then manually copy over the validation folder since there's no subfolders.
Preprocess to generate the trainval folder
python preprocess/imagenet/
Vanilla training
python code/imagenet_rotation/
Get all the images into a training and validation folders.
python preprocess/voc/
Rotate images and put them into training and validation folders
python preprocess/voc/
Train the model and print out the validation loss each time.
python code/voc_rotation/
Visualize the training and validation accuracy of the vanilla model.
python code/visualization/
Get the predictions and confidences for the model.
python code/voc_rotation/
Visualize the predicted distributions of the vanilla model (now old code).
python code/visualization/
Get data subsets.
python code/voc_rotation/
Retrain from a certain epoch using a subset of the data.