
Just me learning some stuff and trying stuff out after a decade hiatus from writing code

Primary LanguageJavaScript




This folder contains the guts of my "Login Service" it is mostly real. I may add a database in later to make it a little more real. I also plan on using Auth0 to handle the login stuff at some point. login.js must be running locallly for all this to work

Note for me: need to do this - this installs the type definitions for typescript

logger needs npm install --save-dev @types/node @types/winston


Currently pulling about 50k malicious IPs from AbuseIPDB once on startup and once at midnight. Update the .env file with your own free Key and the api URL abuseURL = https://api.abuseipdb.com/api/v2/blacklist?confidenceMinimum=90&plaintext=false - https://www.abuseipdb.com/ will allow you up to 5 pulls of the list a day. Planning on updating to use firehol MaliciousIPs.js must be running locally


this is the the test login page essentially - you can "set" the IP address to test if it is on a the blocklist. just open index.html in a browser.


You can ignore this, it was my first version at mocking something up so I could test other things. Leaving it here for my own reference for now.

TODO LIST https://trello.com/b/rEw3z41g/learning-to-code-again