
Seattle Node.js Meetup Site

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Seattle Node.js Site

This repository contains the Seattle Node.js Meetup site. You can clone or fork the project, add some content and send a pull request to get your article / event / site improvements incorporated into the site.


We use the

Create a New Post

We use the Jekyll Bootstrap project, which has a couple of helpers to guide you through post creation. Of course, you can always copy and old post, but here's the friendly, helpful version:

$ rake post title="Announcing the May Seattle Node.js Meetup"
Creating new post: ./_posts/2013-04-17-announcing-the-may-seattle-nodejs-meetup.md

From here, you'll get a raw template to fill in:

layout: post
title: "Announcing the May Seattle Node.js Meetup"
description: ""
tags: []
{% include JB/setup %}

Fill in the description string and and add any number of tags for the event. Here's an example of a setup:

layout: post
title: "Announcing the May Seattle Node.js Meetup"
description: "Start your event loops and come out to talk some Node.js!"
tags: [events, node.js, javascript, meetup]
{% include JB/setup %}

Authoring a Post

Some various tips:

  • Headings start with h2: We use h1 (or # in markdown) for titles, so use h2 (or ## in markdown) or smaller.




Jekyll is built on Ruby, so that's what we use. Get an RVM environment fired up:

# Activate RVM
$ rvm use 1.9.3

# Create and activate custom gemset.
$ rvm create gemset seanode
$ rvm use 1.9.3@seanode

Install the repo gemset:

$ PATH/TO/seanode.github.com
$ rvm gemset import

Highlighted code requires a


... and we need Python too for pygments. We recommend a virtualenv for the project. From there, install with pip:

$ PATH/TO/seanode.github.com
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Preview Server

Once everything is installed, you can run the preview server to build the site and host it locally at:

$ rake preview

Note that you may have to kill/restart to see some of your changes.


All code not otherwise specified is Copyright 2013 Seattle Node.js. Released under the MIT License.