
Final project for CS 158A in Spring 18 at SJSU with Professor Mortezaei. Created by Jason Leong, Patrick Leung, and Hangyi Gu.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Final project for CS 158A (Computer Networks) in Spring 18 at SJSU with Professor Mortezaei. Created by Jason Leong, Patrick Leung, and Hangyi Gu.


https://tinyurl.com/y99lvefx (dead)


This project was built using node.js, socket.io, express, and jQuery libraries. The Client code lives on the html page, which servers game.js (public/js/game.js). The Server code can be found at server.js.

Setup (local)

npm install
node server.js

Setup on AWS EC2

  • install c compiler (if not present)
  • install node (curl nvm -> nvm install node)
  • cd to this repo
  • npm install
  • nohup nodemon server.js &