
OpenFeature project community and governance

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpenFeature Community Content

Table of Contents

Getting involved

If you are interested to be informed about the project or to contribute, feel free to add yourself and/or your organization to Interested Parties.

Governing Bodies

Areas of Interest

Technical committee members, maintainers, and approvers are encouraged to list their areas of interest in this document to help community members find interested parties and form new special interest groups.

Interested Parties

If you are interested to be informed about the project or to contribute, feel free to add yourself and/or your organization to Interested Parties.



We use GitHub discussions for most communications. Please join us there!

For those who are brand new to OpenFeature and want to chat or get redirected to the appropriate place for a specific question, feel free to join the CNCF OpenFeature Slack channel. If you are new, you can create a CNCF Slack account here.


The community calendar contains all the upcoming OpenFeature meetings and events. You can access it via:

Social Media

Follow-us on social media and help us to spread the word! Please use the #openfeature hashtag or mention our accounts when you share the content.


The project roadmap is available here. New initiatives require an accepted OpenFeature Enhancement Proposal (OFEP). A community decision will then be made as documented in Decision Making.


All OpenFeature projects are shipped under the permissive Apache License v2 as CNCF IP Policy dictates. This blog post explains the reasoning behind choosing this license. Refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for details on code attribution.

Logos and Brand Guide

The OpenFeature logos and brand guide can be found in the CNCF artwork repository.

Special Interest Groups

You can find us in the #openfeature channel on the CNCF Slack Workspace. You can join the CNCF Slack Workspace by registering here.

Notes and recordings from previous meetings can be found below:

Name Meeting Time Meeting Notes Discussions


All contributors are welcome! Please see the contributing guidelines here.

Contributing Prerequisites (DCO)

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) requires all pull requests are signed off using Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO). By submitting pull requests, submitters acknowledge they grant the Apache License v2 to the code and that they are eligible to grant this license for all commits submitted in their pull requests.

Associated Components and Implementations

The OpenFeature specification defines abstractions and interfaces for the purposes of flexibly integrating with various feature flag management systems, as well as with tools related to feature flag evaluation (such as telemetry and logging). In order to maintain neutrality and no/low dependencies, implementations of these abstractions should not be included in SDKs. Such implementations may exist in the "contribs" repository for their respective language (ie: https://github.com/open-feature/node-sdk-contrib) or in other repositories not owned by the OpenFeature organization. We recommend implementations be open source, but that's not a requirement.


Please refer to Adopters list

Code of Conduct

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.

The project and its community abide by the Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.1, available here.