Payment Gateway


  • API is located under an application load balancer (ALB) decrypting HTTPS traffic. Hence this API is HTTP. When deployed, we should setup ASP.NET core to use forwarded headers
  • Bank could be slow to process requests
  • Payment should be made to a MerchantId. This id should not be passed through the request but determined based on the ApiKey passed to the API

How to run the API

Open the solution with Visual Studio 2019 and start the debug.

  • Default project should be set to Checkout.PaymentGateway.Api
  • Default port is 50947. It can be changed by modifying the launchSettings.json file under the Checkout.PaymentGateway.Api project
  • Swagger Doc: http://localhost:50947/docs

You can use the Postman file PaymentGateway.postman_collection.json included in the repository:

  1. Run 1- [POST] /payments

  2. Copy the content of the Location header


  1. Open 2- [GET] /jobs/:id and replace /jobs/XXX with the string you have copied

  2. Run the query until the job is marked as completed


  1. Copy the EntityId

  2. Open 3- [GET] /payments/:id and replace the XXX with the EntityId you have copied

  3. Run the query

Technologies used

  • ASP.NET Core 3.1
  • Mediatr to decouple controllers from queries/commands handling
  • FluentValidation to validate requests through a pipeline built on top of a Mediatr
  • Masstransit to send commands (CQRS) or publish events raised while interacting with our domain
  • Alba + an homemade framework for integration testing
  • xUnit for unit testing
  • Serilog for structured logs

Spirit & Coding style

  • Use DDD to design and organize business logic
  • Make the API as consistent as possible by returning standardized errors (=same structure) or results
  • When creating ValueObject, return a Result instead of returning null or throwing exceptions
  • Always return Result in handler. Those are translated by controllers to 404-NotFound, 404-BadRequest based on their respective type
  • ValueObject must be built with the associated static Create method
  • Endpoints are organized by features

Visualization of the codebase


Since we cannot predict how fast the bank will return a response, we need to make the [POST] /payments endpoint asynchronous.

Our current flow is:

  1. Send a payment request to [POST] /payments endpoint
  2. Once the request validated, a MakePayment command is sent using MassTransit. In parallel, a job representing the current operation is created
  3. Eventually the [POST] /payments endpoint returns 202-Accepted + a Location header containing the url to query the job details
  4. Calling the [GET] /jobs/:id endpoint returns the job status (Created, Failed or Completed), an error (if failed) and the EntityId (if completed)
  5. Once the EntityId (=PaymentId) determined, call the [GET] /payments/:id endpoint to retrieve the payment details

Extra miles

Authentication & Security

  • I used an AuthenticationHandler to validate the ApiKey passed through the Authorization header (format bearer %APiKeys%). Each ApiKey is then associated to claims (MerchantId for example)
  • Exceptions are caught by the ErrorHandlingMiddleware
  • Model binding errors (=missing required parameters) are caught by the ModelBindingValidatorFilter


I used Serilog for his structured logs support.

  • ContextLoggingFilter logs all incoming requests and associated responses (=result)
  • UseSerilogRequestLogging (middleware) logs the response time

One common scenario is to push these logs to AWS CloudWatch. Since all logs are JSON objects, we can query our logs with the CW Logs query syntax.

Example: { $.Elapsed > 10 }


The JSON files under the ci folder defines the CI pipeline I usually use in AWS:

  1. Starts when Github triggers CodePipeline through a Webhook
  2. Builds the code within a docker container and pushes the new docker image to an ECR repository
  3. Adds the Staging tag to this image
  4. Starts the staging deployment by creating a new task definition and forcing a new deployment in the associated service
  5. Requires a manual approval (SNS notification)
  6. Adds the Production tag to this image
  7. Starts the production deployment by creating a new task definition and forcing a new deployment in the associated service

Note: all scripts are processed by a PWS script replacing variables (%XXX%) and calling AWS CLI commands. Another option could be to use a CloudFormation template.

Note 2: Another PWS script is in charge of running all tests, merging the code to the master branch and eventually creating a new GitHub release.


Docker images are built using the dockerfile and buildspec.yml files provided in this repository.

  • builspec.yml is an AWS CodeBuild file containing all commands to build our code. In our case, it runs the docker build command and push the created image to an ECR repository
  • Dockerfile contains all the steps required to build a new image


  • Supports 3D Secure
  • Improves CVV validation. Indeed most cards come with a 3 digits CVV. However AMEX come with a 4 digits.
  • Supports more payment methods
  • Persists data in a NoSQL/traditional database. Currently we use persist data in memory
  • Deploy API and associated infrastructure elements with CloudFormation template